All That I Need (2005)

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All That I Need
  • 片       名All That I Need
  • 上映时间2005年05月13日(法国)
  • 导       演 James Herg...
  • 又       名All That I Need
  • 编       剧 James Herg...


  • James: [to Ray-Lyn] I think your problem is that you get laid too much, I get laid too little, we're probably perfect for each other. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : I'm in the need for greed, let's make some money here. James: So it's like kind of a porn thing? Rae-Lyn: No, I wouldn't say that. James: Well you have sex with toys and... Rae-Lyn: Yes, but it's not porno, 'cause it's not sex. Judge Cole Stevens: [during presentation] I just want you to know that I am a judge, and this is totally legal. Tom: Yeah, no job, no credit, no problem. I can get you in with J hawk financial, write it into the deal. Tom: [to Kevin] If you don't shut the f*&% up, I'm going to take you upstairs and give you the rhino horn right now! James: This isn't a pyramid. Scott: Is the tax system mandatory? Tony Shannon- IRS CI: Most people think it is. Scott: But is it? Tony Shannon- IRS CI: No, its voluntary. Tristan James: [standing next to Last Call] There's two assholes here, and one's standing right next to me. Rae-Lyn: I love this car so much. I want to do something special for you... [goes to give James a Blow Job] James: [Rae-Lyn pukes] I can't believe you puked in my fucking viper! James: [to group] Has the money gone to all of your heads? Lia King: [to James] The money has gone to your head! Tony Shannon- IRS CI: It's gone to both of your heads! Kent Vaughn: We know which head the money has gone to... James: [before leaving the meeting with Rae-Lyn] I have some after business to take care of... Tony Shannon- IRS CI: Oh, Mr. macho is going to go try and get it up now... Jim: There's three types of people in this world. Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen... and those who ask "What just happened?" Duke: Hey, crouching tiger, hidden dragon!... blah blah blah blah! Duke: [to Bobbie] Where the hell did you come from? Bobbie: You're making trouble with the group... Duke: Hey, tooth-a-lot. What's up your teeth? Bobbie: What's wrong with my teeth? Duke: Yeah... [does horse imitation] Judge Cole Stevens: [about two girls wanting to get into the group] I can vouch for them, they're lovely ladies! Rae-Lyn: Ohhh, Spank that Ass... [spanking Tony Shannon's ass] Judge Cole Stevens: [Judge Cole tries to get her to spank his ass] Oh, Pleeaase! Rae-Lyn: [turning him down] I don't think so. James: [disappointed in the judge's behaviour] Judge? Lia King: [to the camera crew] I want you to shut the cameras off. [to sound guy Andrew who is now seen on screen] Lia King: I'm serious... Don't just look at me like that. James: [after Tristan criticizes his car] Dude, you don't even have a car! Tristan James: [pointing to James' beat up car] Yeah, but if I did, it would not be this car. [pointing to a Mercedes] Tristan James: It would be that car over there. Rae-Lyn: I have to go to work now... [after seeing James' beat up car] Judge Cole Stevens: [during boat party presentation] We're here to make money, and isn't that good? Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? That's the way it should be. Whooo! Let's hear it for ourselves! May, Ryan: [during pyramid presentation] Now that we are introducing the paintings, doesn't that involve a product, so don't we have to report that to the IRS? Tony Shannon- IRS CI: [not knowing how to answer the question] I think we need to wrap this up now. Some of these questions are getting ridiculous. It's just turning into a pissing match. Andreas: [to James] You took the elevator, I got the shaft! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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