"Afterlife" (2005)

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  • 灾难  惊悚


  • Robert Bridge: I can see that you're busy. Alison Mundy: Yes I am. Alison Mundy: If you're sad, Daddy, is it because you don't love me any more? Robert Bridge: Don't be ordinary. Alison Mundy: You look shit by the way. Robert Bridge: I'm entitled to ignore you, why shouldn't I? Alison Mundy: Because I'm going out of my mind! Robert Bridge: WELL HALLELUJAH, A BREAK THROUGH! Alison Mundy: What are you doing here? In my Home, in my life! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? Alison Mundy: She got put in-in-in-in an Institution and she never came out. She died when she was I was Robert Bridge: How old where you when you first saw spirits? Alison Mundy: 10! Alison Mundy: Who was that? Robert Bridge: Jude. Alison Mundy: Your ex-wife? Robert Bridge: Yes. Alison Mundy: Hmm, that’s nice for you. Robert Bridge: It’s not important. Alison Mundy: Really? Robert Bridge: I'm trying to help you Alison. Alison Mundy: Go home to your wife Robert. Robert Bridge: No. Alison Mundy: You don't see what I see. You don't feel what I feel. You can't help me. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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