
  • Madison Duarte: Bite me, "queer eye". Ashley Davies: Not if you were the last Barbie on earth. Ashley Davies: Triple word score... H-E-R-P-E-S. Spencer Carlin: When I was kissing Aiden, I was thinking about you... Aiden Dennison: I'm listening. Madison Duarte: That's because you still love me. Aiden Dennison: No... that's because I'm a whore. [to Madison] Sean Miller: You are about as deep as a puddle. Ashley Davies: I love... these brownies. Spencer Carlin: [after almost kissing Ashley] I can't, not like this. Spencer Carlin: [after Spencer's mother has found out about her daughter's sexuality] Why can't you just accept that this is who I am? Paula Carlin: Because who you are is not acceptable! Spencer Carlin: You hook up with people for no reason at all. Ashley Davies: Relax okay, she is just a friend. It's nothing to get all jealous over. It's not like you're my girlfriend. Aiden Dennison: So what's next? Ashley Davies: This is LA. We only have a few moments to breathe before we head back into the madness... Spencer Carlin: Let's hit the madness! Spencer Carlin: [seeing Glen and Madison on the couch] Woooooooooo-woo! Glen Carlin: What the hell did you do to my, sister? Spencer Carlin: [giggles] Nothing. Aiden Dennison: I'm not even going to ask what you were doing with my girlfriend. It's pretty obvious. Glen Carlin: Maybe if you were a better boyfriend, she wouldn't be looking my way. Aiden Dennison: Man, she's just using you to get to me. Madison Duarte: Don't you throw that at me. Spencer Carlin: [drunk] No, no... this is not what it looks like. Madison Duarte: It's not? Because it looks like you've been getting dressed in the backseat of someone's Nissan Xterra. Spencer Carlin: Hey Aiden, isn't that what you drive? Aiden Dennison: Spencer, shut up. Glen Carlin: Hey, man, you shut up! Madison Duarte: Both of you shut up. This is all so wrong. Spencer Carlin: No, no, wait, no. You know what would make this so much more wrong? If Ashley was here! [giggles] Aiden Dennison, Glen Carlin: Shut up! Glen Carlin: Did this jackoff get you wasted? Spencer Carlin: No! Paula Carlin: Spencer, are you drunk? Spencer Carlin: [shakes her head] No. [Spencer smiles, but then she vomits all over the floor] Arthur Carlin: We'll take that as a "yes". Spencer Carlin: [Ashley gives her some lip gloss] Aw, now you've got me wearing your shade. How convenient, just in case we end up in some spontaneous liplock. Ashley Davies: Trust me, it won't be spontaneous. Ashley Davies: Whatever people consider to be normal, it never is. Ashley Davies: Sorry. Me no study a lot. Ashley Davies: Are you a basketball fan or do you just enjoy watching guys pat each other on the ass? Ashley Davies: Are we gonna have a rumble, chica? Spencer Carlin: It's official, you抮e an ass. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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