
鬼哭神嚎 (2005) 5.9

The Amityville Horror 更多片名>

2005-09-02(瑞典)| 历史 恐怖 灾难| 美国
上映时间:2005-09-02(瑞典) 类型: 历史 恐怖 灾难 惊悚
评分: 力荐

本片改编自上世纪七十年代发生在纽约的真实故事。1974年11月14日夜,一个恐怖的报警电话指引长岛警方来到一栋三层别墅。在那里,警方发现了屋主笛福一家6口的尸体,而凶手正是屋主的儿子--23岁的罗纳德·笛福Ronald Defeo。他趁父母和四个兄妹熟睡的时候用枪将他们...更多>


George Lutz: Houses don't kill people. People kill people. Billy Lutz: [after tasting George's scrambled eggs] This sucks! George Lutz: You aren't kiddin'. Father Callaway: Your house frightens me, Mrs. Lutz. Kathy Lutz: No-one dies today. Lisa: It's kinda gross that you sleep in their beds. Actually, it's fucking sick. Jodie Defeo: What's wrong, Ronnie? Ronald Defeo: I love you, Jodie. [raises the shotgun and shoots her in the head] Father Callaway: Mrs. Lutz, get you and your family out of that house. Right now! Michael Lutz: We're *rich*! George Lutz: Rich off of somethin', but it ain't money. George Lutz: [to Billy] I thought you said you didn't need a babysitter. Kathy Lutz: What were you thinking? [after Chelsea walks across the roof of the house] Chelsea Lutz: I just wanted to see Daddy. Billy Lutz: Hi... I'm Billy. [Lisa talks to Kathy and George] Billy Lutz: Hi... I'm Billy. Lisa: Yeah, I got ya the first time. [last lines] Jodie Defeo: Nooooooooo! Jodie Defeo: Look what Ronnie did to me, Lisa. [moves her hair away from her head so can see, she has a hole in her head made by the gun] Realtor: So, are we happy? George Lutz: [pointing to Kathy] She's happy. I'm broke. George Lutz: [to Kathy] How did you get so fucking stupid? Kathy Lutz: [Eating at dinner table, George spits out his food, making a scene] Is this discipline, or torture? George Lutz: I thought it was meatloaf... Father Callaway: There was recently a family in the area that had a similar problem. Kathy Lutz: The DeFeos. Father Callaway: Yes, you've heard of them? Kathy Lutz: I'm living in their house. Father Callaway:


You know the doll that your daughter was holding?


Kathy Lutz: Yes, well... Father Callaway: That doll belonged to the little girl who used to live here. Kathy Lutz: Maybe it was left on the property? Father Callaway: No Kathy, you don't understand what I'm saying, that doll was buried with Jody Defeo when she died. Michael Lutz: Do I have to call you Dad, George? George Lutz: You can call me whatever you want. Michael Lutz: Um... Stupid? George Lutz: Sure. Michael Lutz: Stinky? George Lutz: Of course. Michael Lutz: Crap-monkey-fart? George Lutz: [laughing] Okay, that's where I draw the line! George Lutz: [to Billy] You sure you don't need a babysitter?


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