魔法双星 (2005)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  家庭  奇幻
  • 片       名魔法双星
  • 上映时间2005年10月14日(美国)
  • 导       演 Stuart Gil...


  • Illeana: Oh, that's so sweet, do you think we should have told them they're marked for death? Karsh: Why would we have told them that? Illeana: I don't know. Karsh: [to Illeana] Would you like to put down the chicken wing and help me protect the girls? Illeana: [imitating girls] Go twitches, go twitches, go twitches... [sees Karsh and clears throat] Illeana: You, uh, got something on your face. [gestures to his face with ketchup all over it] Illeana: [after girls run off] Do we have a plan B? Karsh: No, we're way past plan B, we're more like at D. Illeana: Yeah. Karsh: [whooshes door away] I never get tired of that. Illeana: I do. Karsh: Really? Illeana: Well, you do it all the time, at parties, and it just... Karsh: Why didn't you tell me? Illeana: I just... [cut to girls and song "Rush"] Karsh: [Beth double-dips chip] Now why would you do that? Beth Fish: I'm sorry? Karsh: You just double-dipped, you ruined the entire dip- just go, just... go. Illeana: [She has just walked through a wall and is dazed. She tries to stop the twins that have already left. She then walks to window and tries to talk to Karsh] They're not here! Karsh: What? Illeana: They're not... Karsh: What? Huh? Illeana: Hey, ok, I just walked through some '70s wallpaper that will leave me seriously scarred for life! Karsh: [They are rescued from the Darkness and fall into the room] Ah, finally! Took you long enough! Illeana: He means thank you. Karsh: Will you please stop telling people what I mean, I think I know what I mean. Illeana: I went through some '70s wallpaper that is going to scar me for life. Illeana: You defeated the darkness once before. Camryn Barnes: You mean when I was one? All I did was cry, and wet myself and wonder "What the heck is going on?" Apart from gaining some decent bladder control, nothing has changed! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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