
  • SDI Skeer: You are here because you could not be trained to become men by the mothers of America. Dori Lawrence: I'm emotionally greedy and the prognosis is not good. Dori Lawrence: I'm the only one who's allowed to say that you suck, but so do I. And I think that is kind of cool that we're both sucky people Dori Lawrence: Your house is like my head. Dori Lawrence: Let's build a kingdom with our suckiness. Danny Tripodi: You can't leave yet, you're not drunk enough to drive. SDI Skeer: Is your girlfriend a debutante? Mark Deloach: Sir-- SDI Skeer: I said "Is your girlfriend a debutante?" Mark Deloach: Sir, this recruit just doesn't know, sir. SDI Skeer: Are you a Goddamn virgin? Mark Deloach: Sir, yes, sir! Drill Instructor #3: You got to be fucking shitting me. SDI Skeer: MOUNTAIN CLIMB! Mark Deloach: About the music that trembles in your body. And how you're shy to be so pretty. When your broken and real and your own hands don't know it. There's a song going hungry for words. And that's too much to say, for a guy who splashed you with water, gave you some tea and bought you a book. Dori Lawrence: I know you need me, and I need my Duke. I'm better than I was, but I'm not the Statue of Liberty. Do you care if I'm still sort of a sucky girl? Because I don't care. And I don't care how many scars you have, if you let me I will purify them. If you love me, we will make a beautiful kingdom out of our suckiness and misery and wounds. This is my heart. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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