

Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

2004-10-17(美国)| 动作 冒险 喜剧| 美国 澳大利亚
上映时间:2004-10-17(美国) 类型: 动作 冒险 喜剧 科幻
国家/地区:美国 澳大利亚 
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(2005年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

  生处宇宙某端的美国太空人John Crichton是当地正在大战的两大势力Peacekeepers跟Scarrans竞相争夺的目标,因为唯独他知道如何运用虫洞的奥秘来制造天下无敌的武器。为了宇宙的和平,Crichton不愿任何一方取得这致命的知识,但如果不让步的代价...更多>


[from trailer] Scorpius: This is insane, Crichton. John Crichton: Four years on and your finally gettin' that? John Crichton: [Holding his son up to Moya's viewing deck, amidst a field of stars] This is your playground. Commandant Mele-on-Grayza: You will not go through with this. John Crichton: I ALREADY HAVE! Emperor Staleek: I agree. You are weak, you will not sacrifice the woman and your offspring. Aeryn Sun: Our son will be raised in peace. John Crichton: Amen. You hear that you bastards. All or nothing. [pause] John Crichton: Wormhole doubles two more times, Moya goes first, 20 seconds later you join us. Either way this war is over. Peace. Stark: I'll take your pain. Ka D'Argo: No pain is good. Means I'm alive. Stark: Then let me help you to the other side. Ka D'Argo: Frell Stark. This is the other side. I was hoping to go back. John Crichton: I have to protect the people I love. And you owe me for putting that crap in my head. Einstein: It may soon be prudent to remove it. John Crichton: Amen. I wanna be blonde again. Aeryn Sun: John! You went there, didn't you? John Crichton: I went the whole way there. Aeryn Sun: I didn't want you to do that. John Crichton: Yes, you did. Everybody wants to see the great big wormhole weapon. Aeryn Sun: No, I want to see war turned into peace. John Crichton: War and Peace, War and Peace. Did you know that Woody Allen's version is better than Tolstoy's? Because it is funnier and absolute power corrupts, absolutely. Where the hell's my pen? Where's my pen? Aeryn Sun: This is what you want! John Crichton: No, Aeryn it is not what I want! It's just that fate keeps blocking all the exits! And no matter what I do I just keep circling closer to the flame! Aeryn Sun: Then pull back. This war is not your responsibility. John Crichton: You and the baby are my responsibility. And how am I supposed to protect you from the Peacekeepers and the Scarrans and the Tragans and the lions, tigers and bears? With this? Winona? This gun? No gun is big enough. Aeryn Sun: We still have Stark and the Eidelons.


John Crichton


: It's not enough. [gesturing to his notebook] John Crichton: This is enough. Wormholes. What's inside my head. This is ugly and it is malignant. But it will protect you and the baby. Aeryn Sun: Ah, but you see. You don't just protect me, we protect each other. Aeryn Sun: [to the baby] Your father and I want you to have a name that means courage and strength. So we have chosen D'Argo Sun Crichton. Scorpius: Crichton, you possess it, don't you? John Crichton: Don't touch me! Scorpius: The secret to victory, the violent path to peace. Voice of Pilot: This will be used as a weapon, against others? John Crichton: Worst case scenario, yeah. Voice of Pilot: If I understand correctly, it has the power to kill tens of thousands. John Crichton: For starters. Voice of Pilot: Are you capable of using this? John Crichton: Yes. Voice of Pilot: Then I don't know you as I thought. [Crichton aims his pistol at Pilot] Voice of Pilot: So you'll be starting with me then? John Crichton: Someone puts a gun to your head, Pilot. What do you do? What do you do? You defend yourself. And that is why we have to build this. Voice of Pilot: No-one has a weapon pointed to your head. John Crichton: Oh, God, Pilot! Everybody's got a weapon pointed at my head! Voice of Pilot: There are other options. John Crichton: Well, why don't you explain that to the tens of millions of people who will die in the meantime! Voice of Pilot: Is that truly your concern? Or is it Aeryn and your unborn offspring that you wish to protect? John Crichton: That's my family, Pilot. Everything begins with family. Maryk: Where the hezmana in my orders did you find the phrase "pre-emptive attack"? Scorpius: The Scarrans are massing for an impending onslaught we all know is coming. A conflict we are ill-situated to win. By challenging them before they are prepared at least we have a fighting chance. Maryk: You were sent there to gather surveillance and? Scorpius: With all due respect, sir, I was sent here to perish at the vanguard of this inevitable conflict. I simply refuse to participate on their terms or yours. Maryk: Because of your actions, the Scarran Empire has declared war against us. Do you know what that means, Scorpius? We are now officially engaged in the last war of our era! Congratulations. Scorpius: So, how have you been, Crichton? John Crichton: I'm good, Bob. You? The wife? The kids? Scorpius: Busy. John Crichton:


Yeah, I hear business is booming.


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