Hum Tum (2004)

  • 印度
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  • 爱情  喜剧  经典
  • 片       名Hum Tum
  • 上映时间2004年05月28日
  • 导       演 Kunal Kohl...
  • 剧       情
    karan是一位热爱漫画的漫画社的画家,Hum tum是他笔下的漫画人物。他喜欢画画,因为在漫画世界中没有国界,没有宗教,只有男孩和女孩。 karan第一次遇见Rhea是在印度飞往阿姆斯特丹的飞机上,Rhea是一个可爱活泼的女孩,两人第一次见面Karan就阴差阳错地吻...


  • Rhea Prakash: Say it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Karan Kapoor 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : What? Rhea Prakash: What you've never said to me before. Karan Kapoor: That I love the kids and Tommy more than you? Karan Kapoor: [Walking away from Interview...starts to rain] Rain in January..? Rhea Prakash: It doesn't rain in January [Karan turns around and sees Rhea standing there his book in her hand] Rhea Prakash: This was bound to happen Karan...Because whenever we meet- Karan Kapoor: Something or the other goes wrong. [looks at the book] Karan Kapoor: Did you read the book? Rhea Prakash: [shakes head, mumbling no] uhn uh Karan Kapoor: [moves closer] How'd you like it? Rhea Prakash: [cying] Reminded me a of a friend...Have i ever told you about this friend of mine? Karan Kapoor: Never Rhea Prakash: [moving closer still] I met him many years ago... Karan Kapoor: And kept on meeting him... Rhea Prakash: Until he became my very best friend Karan Kapoor: So when he fell in love with you, why did you leave? Rhea Prakash: Because he didn't stop me Karan Kapoor: [awkwardly] I don't like the sound of this friend one bit! Rhea Prakash: Listen, don't say anything against my friend! Karan Kapoor: [standing face to face] Then what should I say? Rhea Prakash: What you never managed to say before Karan Kapoor: What? That I'll love you more than the kids and Tommie? Rhea Prakash: [grabs him by his shirt] You better! Otherwise i'll hack you up into little tiny pieces and-- Karan Kapoor: [puts his fingers to her lips] Shh! [They both start crying and hug] Karan Kapoor: [pulls away] I Love you, Rhea. [both laugh/cry and hug again] Rhea Prakash: Karan Kapoor? Karan Kapoor: That's right. [notices Rhea and stops in shock] Karan Kapoor: Nooo Way! Rhea! [walks over] Karan Kapoor: Well done, yaar. You're looking like a girl! Rhea Prakash: [swats his hand away] Don't touch me! [an arc of flowers falls down beside them] Rhea Prakash: You know what, Karan? Whenever I'm around you something HAS to go wrong. [notices his shaggy haircut] Rhea Prakash: and...'what' have you done to your hair?? Karan Kapoor: [whining] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • What, this is my Tom Cruise look yaar. You wouldn't understand, its not a matter of your level. Its fashion 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Rhea Prakash: [shakes her head] You're a loser! Karan Kapoor: Forget that, what are you doing here? Rhea Prakash: What are YOU doing here?? Karan Kapoor: I'm in-charge here Rhea Prakash: [looks around at the chaos] That much is obvious Karan Kapoor: [gives her a look] Actually, my mummy is in-charge here, i'm just helping her out. [Rhea nods] Karan Kapoor: So, what are you doing here? Rhea Prakash: You're organizing a wedding with your mummy, and you dont even know who the bride is?? [points to herself] Karan Kapoor: No way, you! [Rhea nods proudly] Karan Kapoor: You're getting married so late? I figured you already had three or four kids! [Rhea looks at him in shock] Karan Kapoor: Come on, do you have any? you can tell me. Rhea Prakash: [disgusted] You're really a loser, Karan. I figured that one slap and three years later you wouldve come to your senses. I guess was wrong. Some people 'never' change. My bags are in the car, have them taken up to my room Karan Kapoor: Do I look like a porter to you? Rhea Prakash: Something like that! Bye, Karan. [walks away] Karan Kapoor: I hate that chick. [Karan is trying to convince Rhea to have an arranged marriage by acting out an "interview" with a potential husband] Karan Kapoor: Now, what about children? Rhea Prakash: What about them? Karan Kapoor: No, I'm not asking you. Don't you want to ask me if I like children? Rhea Prakash: Oh yes, of course! So, do you like children? Karan Kapoor: Very much! First, I want a girl, beautiful and intelligent, just like you. I'm going to be a very good daddy. If any boy like me comes in front of her, I'll tear his head off. Rhea Prakash: [laughs] And you think if you do this, it will make you a good father? Karan Kapoor: Listen, you're going to be such a good mother that it won't matter if I spoil the children a little. Rhea Prakash: I see. So I do all the work and you do all the spoiling? Karan Kapoor: Yes! See, if you look at it from my point of view, we're the perfect marriage. All we need to complete the family photo is a little dog. Rhea Prakash: And we'll call the dog Tommie. Karan Kapoor: That's a stupid name... ok, the dog's name will be Tommie, But on one condition - you do all the walking and feeding of Tommie. Rhea Prakash: Done. Karan Kapoor: All I'm going to do is sit at the table and feed him little bits off my plate, saying "Here, Tommie, eat, eat." Rhea Prakash: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • So after the wedding, what are you going to do besides spoil the kids and Tommie? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Karan Kapoor: What else is there to do? I'm just going to kick back and enjoy my life with the kids and Tommie. [Rhea stares at him] Karan Kapoor: Oh yes, and you. Rhea Prakash: So I come after the kids and Tommie? Karan Kapoor: No, Rhea, that was a mistake. I meant with you. Rhea Prakash: So I come after the kids and Tommie? Karan Kapoor: No. Rhea, that- I'm sorry. Rhea Prakash: If you put my name after the kids and Tommie, I'll cut you up into little, little, little, little, little pieces and feed them to Tommie! Karan Kapoor: Ok, ma'am, ok, I'm sorry! [takes her face in his hands] Karan Kapoor: From now on, the kids and Tommie come second. The only person I love in this world is you. [stare at each other, then quickly move away] Karan Kapoor: [nervously laughing] See how easy arranged marriages are? Karan Kapoor: Well done yaar, you're looking like a girl. Rhea Prakash: I never thought I'd use these words with you, but I think I'll miss you. Karan Kapoor: We'll meet very soon, Rhea. Do you know why? Because this life is very long, even if we don't have enough time. Karan Kapoor: The tears welled up from her eyes... err... from her heart... I made her cry Karan Kapoor: When the tears rolled down her cheeks, why did I feel pain here [gestures towards chest] Karan Kapoor: ? Karan Kapoor: They're her eyes, her tears, but the pain is still mine. Is that justice? Karan Kapoor: Yes, it is, because if the pain wasn't here, with me, then the tears and the pain would both be with her, and that's not justice. Karan Kapoor: When both her tears and her pain belong to me, justice will be done. Karan Kapoor: There're 6 hours before our flight to New York and sitting in this airport is boring. Why don't we go sight-seeing in Amsterdam. It shouldn't be a problem since you have a visa. Rhea Prakash: How do you know I have a visa? Karan Kapoor: Because in the plane I checked your passport! Rhea Prakash: WHAT? You went through my bag? Karan Kapoor: You were asleep and I was bored, I saw your bag and figured I'd take a look. Rhea Prakash: How dare you? Don't you know you can't go through lady's handbags? [begins walking ahead] Karan Kapoor: Why not? What's the big secret? Fine, I won't do it again. Wait, I said I was sorry. Where are you going? Rhea Prakash: I thought we'd go sight-seeing in Amsterdam. Karan Kapoor: [to Rhea] Well done yaar, you're looking like a girl. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Karan Kapoor 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [drunk] The tears welled up from her eyes... err... from her heart... I made her cry Karan Kapoor: When the tears rolled down her cheeks, why did I feel pain here [gestures towards chest] Karan Kapoor: ? Karan Kapoor: They're her eyes, her tears, but the pain is still mine. Is that justice? Karan Kapoor: Yes, it is, because if the pain wasn't here, with me, then the tears and the pain would both be with her, and that's not justice. Karan Kapoor: When both her tears and her pain belong to me, justice will be done. Karan Kapoor: There're 6 hours before our flight to New York and sitting in this airport is boring. Why don't we go sight-seeing in Amsterdam. It shouldn't be a problem since you have a visa. Rhea Prakash: How do you know I have a visa? Karan Kapoor: Because in the plane I checked your passport! Rhea Prakash: WHAT? You went through my bag? Karan Kapoor: You were asleep and I was bored, I saw your bag and figured I'd take a look. Rhea Prakash: How dare you? Don't you know you can't go through lady's handbags? [begins walking off] Karan Kapoor: Why not? What's the big secret? Fine, I won't do it again. Wait, I said I was sorry. Where are you going? Rhea Prakash: I thought we'd go sight-seeing in Amsterdam. Parminder Prakash aka Bobby: Both father and son are incurable. They're hopeless! In fact, puthar, there is no hope! Rhea Prakash: [smiling reminiscently] Remember we first met at an airport? I hated you so much! Karan Kapoor: [serious] Yeah, I know! Same here! Rhea Prakash: [suddenly serious] No, you didn't Karan Kapoor: No, I really hated you! Rhea Prakash: Oh, is that why you tried to kiss me? Karan Kapoor: Tried? Rhea Prakash: Shutup, Karan 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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