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Michael Blanco

Michael Blanco (2004) 5.9

2004-06-19(美国)| 喜剧| 比利时 法国
上映时间:2004-06-19(美国) 类型: 喜剧
国家/地区:比利时 法国 美国 
评分: 力荐


The Producer:


Personally, I think you have no business being in show-business. But if that's what you wanna do, you 're gonna have to work very hard. And that's the business part. So if you wanna be in show-business, you gotta work on the business. You don't work on the business, there's no show. No show, no business. No business, no show. You understand? Good luck to you.


The Producer: Take a look at the first scene. Michael Blanco: Yes, I get it. The Producer: You see where it's said that the waiter drops dead? Michael Blanco: Yes. The Producer: Have you ever waited tables before? Michael Blanco: Excuse me? The Producer: Have you ever been a waiter? Michael Blanco: Yes. The Producer: Let me see you die. Can you die for me? Michael Blanco: Now? The Producer: Yes. Narrator #1: Then it comes down to: "Who are you?" Narrator #2: Michael Blanco. Narrator #1: How old are you? Narrator #2: I am in my early 30's. Narrator #1: How tall are you? Narrator #2: I'm 5-6. Narrator #1: How much you weigh? Narrator #2: I weigh 150 lb. Narrator #1: Do you have any medical problem? Narrator #2: I sure don't. Narrator #1: Do you have any bad habits? Narrator #2: Yes... but no. Narrator #1: I see. So do you have a problem doing nudity? Narrator #2: Oh no. Narrator #1: Do you have a problem doing sex scenes? Narrator #2: No. Narrator #1: Have you heard of a casting couch? Narrator #2: Yes I have. Narrator #1: I notice you're going bald. Is that gonna be a problem? Narrator #2: No. Narrator #1: I see. So where are you from? Narrator #2: I'm from Belgium. Narrator #1: Belgium? Your English is really clear. Narrator #2: Thank you. Narrator #1: You know I have an idea for you. Why don't you go be a star in Belgium? The Producer: Have you had any acting experience? Michael Blanco: No. The Producer: No? Michael Blanco: That's why I am here. To work. To become an actor. The Producer: Not exactly Brad Pitt. You got an agent? Michael Blanco: No The Producer: Are you in any of the unions? Michael Blanco: Not yet.

Michael Blanco

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