制服行动 (2004)

  • 印度
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  • 动作
  • 片       名制服行动
  • 上映时间2004年01月23日
  • 导       演 Rajkumar S...
  • 剧       情
    DCP Anant Shrivastav, along with his team Shekhar Sachdev and Ashwin Gupte, have been assigned to escort dangerous terrorist and ISI agent I...


  • Yashwant Angre: Welcome... Welcome to Chandangarh. DCP Anant Kumar Shrivastav: We are scheduled to leave for Chandangarh at 11am, and if everything goes according to plan, we'll be back here with Ansari on the day after. But we have to do this carefully, and within the framework of the law... follow the rules. This enemy we are up against has no name, nor face. We don't know how many of the enemy there are, except that there are many in number. We don't know what kind of weapons they have, except that they are better than ours. We don't know when, where or how they will ambush us. But we know they will surely attack. To get Ansari released, they can go to any extent, so be careful. Any questions? Fine. We leave in 10 minutes. Good luck, gentlemen. [officers salute] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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