
  • [first lines] Damian Cunningham: [voiceover] The French have said au revoir to the franc, the Germans have said auf wiedersehen to the mark, and the Portuguese have said... whatever to their thing. Damian Cunningham: God doesn't rob banks! Damian Cunningham: God doesn't rob banks, all right? God does not rob banks. Anthony: What did you bring a thousand pounds to school for? Can't you see that's suspicious? Damian Cunningham: It's not suspicious, it's unusual. Headteacher: Would you like to tell us why you did it Anthony? Anthony: [pause] Our mum's dead! [crying] Damian Cunningham: I thought it was from God... who else would have that kind of money? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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