"Chrono Crusade" (2004)

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  • 动画  冒险  喜剧
"Chrono Crusade"
  • 片       名"Chrono Cru...
  • 上映时间2004年09月21日(美国)
  • 导       演 Koh Yuh


  • [During a conversation with Chrno, Rosette looks down and sees Elder under the table looking up her dress] Edward 'The Elder' Hamilton: I see Paris, I see France, I see someone's... Sister Rosette Christopher: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! [Rosette blushes red and covers her skirt] Edward 'The Elder' Hamilton: This time more whiter than the french fry. [Rosette takes the spoon from Chrno's bowl] Sister Rosette Christopher: Perverted old man! I'll kill you with this spoon! [Elder rolls to his side, dodging Rosette's thrust with the spoon] Chrono: [watching the rain fall] Depressing, isn't it? Sister Rosette Christopher: No. Considering we were up all night on a mission, and they ask us to do the shopping on our way home. I'd say it's more than depressing, it's the absolute worst. Azmaria Hendrick: [being tossed around in the back seat] I'm sorry, I said I could do it by myself. Sister Rosette Christopher: What are you talking about? It was obvious to all of us that you couldn't do it alone! Azmaria Hendrick: [the phone rings] Oh, the Phone! Whoah! [falls down] Chrono: Oh, are you all right, Azmaria? Azmaria Hendrick: Yeah, I'm jake Sister Rosette Christopher: You just stay put. Chrono answer the phone! Chrono: huh what? Sister Rosette Christopher: Can't you see I'm busy someone's gotta dirve! Chrono: Hello? Oh, Father Remington, Rosette can't answer the phone right now. Sister Rosette Christopher: [grabs the phone and talks excitedly] Oh, hello, Father. Chrono: oh boy Azmaria Hendrick: Shoud she do that while driving? Sister Anna, Sister Mary, Sister Claire: [all Girls in Unison] Hi, Chrono! [Anna] Sister Anna: Is Rosette writing more apologies? Then again, I guess that's what happens when a servant of God destroys an entire building. Sister Mary: A building? I heard it was a whole block [Sister Anna, coils in surprise] Sister Claire: Actually I heard it was a whole island. [Anna coils in greater shock] Sister Claire: It must be so hard Chrono: [sheepishly] Well, it happens every time. Sister Rosette Christopher: [shouts] It happens every time? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Sister Anna 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • , Sister Mary, Sister Claire: [unison] Oh, Rosette! Sister Rosette Christopher: A whole block, was it? An Island? Blowing people's mistakes out of proportion is so much fun, isn't it? [shouts] Sister Rosette Christopher: But were you there? [Rosette moves her head around, seeing the girls run away] Sister Anna: Who would want to be teamed up with you? Sister Rosette Christopher: [while driving erratically] Say, why do you think Sister Kate is such a pill anyway? Chrono: Could it be because you are always doing things that make her angry? Sister Rosette Christopher: Good, because only those who believe can be saved so they say. Get it? Ha, ha, ha, ha! Sister Rosette Christopher: [the slot machine in the casion rolls two 7's and a lemon, Rosette is frustrated] Chrono Give me a coin!" Sister Rosette Christopher: [Chrono slaps her hand] Hey what's the big idea? Chrono: You've had it nun-girl! Sister Rosette Christopher: But poopsie, we've come all this way to Sin City, so why not sin a little? Besides how often does a girl get to where an outfit like this. [Lustfully] Sister Rosette Christopher: Come on Chrono, you know you want some of this. [she waves her rear at him] Sister Rosette Christopher: Come on big, boy give me a coin. Just one more? Chrono: Forget it, the mission comes first! [he attmpts to pull her away from the machine, she holds on] Sister Rosette Christopher: [whining] Whaaa, I don't want to go. [she breaks the machine handle] Sister Rosette Christopher: [both panic and run away] Sister Rosette Christopher: [at a casino, Rosette plays with a slot machine. The slots go to 7, 7, and a lemon. Rosette gets mad, Chrono sighs] Chrono, give me a coin! Sister Rosette Christopher: [Chrono slaps her hand] Hey! What's in your button? Chrono: You have it, nun girl! This is no time to be gambling around a casino! Sister Rosette Christopher: But, Poopsie, we've come all this way to Sin City, so why not sin a little? And besides, how often does a girl get to where something like this? Don't try to tell me you don't like it to. Sister Rosette Christopher: [she moves her ass at Chrono. Chrono turns red] Look, Chrono, look, look. Give me a coin. Come on, big spender. Just one more? Chrono: No! The mission comes first! Sister Rosette Christopher: [he tries to pull Rosette away, but she holds on the slot machine handle] Aaaah haa haa! I don't want to go! Can you hear? The slots are calling me! Just one more time please! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [she breaks the slot machine handle. They scream and run off] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • d86 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Chrono: This isn't like you. Sister Rosette Christopher: Huh? Chrono: Rosette never gets discouraged! [he puts on a big smile, Rosette laughs] Sister Rosette Christopher: Thanks Chrono, for worrying. [she makes a mean look, Chrono gets confuse] Chrono: [confuse] Hmm? Sister Rosette Christopher: Hearing things! You're hearing things! Don't be mean, just let me try it, come on! Edward 'The Elder' Hamilton: Well, let me fondle your luxious breasts and I'll rethink my desicion. A sister: Sister Rosette? Sister Rosette Christopher: [Rosette bets up the elder] Who would let you fondle anything, you perverted old wit? A sister: Sister Kate is calling for you. Come to her office at once. Edward 'The Elder' Hamilton: Sounds like marching orders! How sad that this will have to wait. Sister Rosette Christopher: You scrooge! Father Ewan Remington: I have no attachment to torn wings. Sister Rosette Christopher: You know, I really do like this view. I wish I could go on just looking at it forever. [pause] Sister Rosette Christopher: hey Chrono: mhm... Sister Rosette Christopher: I was thinking about undoing the seal. If I did it, then you could heal all of your wounds and everything would be jake. Chrono: No, applesauce Rosette. Being here with you is what's really important right now and I don't want to lose anything else. Not ever again. Sister Rosette Christopher: I think abou them sometimes and wonder how everyone is doing. But for right now, I'd rather just be here with you. In these past few months we've spent together, I've wanted to say so many things to you. But the words just won't come. Chrono: Let's go back inside. I think you should lie down and rest. Sister Rosette Christopher: But I don't want to rest! Not Yet. I'm just so scared Chrono. I'm scared. I don't want to die. I just want to live a little longer. Is that so wrong? Chrono: [She cries into Chrono as they hold hands] Oh Rosette... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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