Burning Annie (2003)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  爱情
Burning Annie
  • 片       名Burning Annie
  • 上映时间2003年03月08日(美国)
  • 导       演 Van Fleshe...


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  • Cheers to a new semester, full of potential that will surely go to waste. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Max: You know, I've been thinking about your theory, your 'Annie Hall' theory. Specifically, I've been thinking you're insane. Charles: I said I was kidding, Max, and you just keep bringing it up. Max: Well, it's like you insulted my religion or something. It's like 'Hey Cardinal, I think Jesus is the reason you're not getting laid. Charles: "Max, if you're a Cardinal, Jesus IS the reason you're not getting laid. Julie: I get the sense there's a whole other side to your personality. Max: Uh, well, I hope he's a better dancer. Sam: How come all you have to play here is video hockey? Max: I'm like a swan, I mate for life. Sam: You're the best I've ever seen at procrastinating. Max: I should be, procrastination is one of my favorite hobbies... Isn't it funny that my two favorite hobbies rhyme? Max: I can't support an acronym without knowing what it stands for. I once joined NAMBLA because I thought it was an animal rights group. Max: Giving me pot is like giving Richard Simmons crack. I'm paranoid enough as it is. Julie: As if a fast car can ever make up for a small dick. Max: If it did, I'd be down at the Porsche dealership with a ski mask and Uzi. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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