
  • Alphonse Elric: Brother, it turns out the Philosopher's Stone may very well be real. But all the clues we need to finding it are off limits to everyone except State Alchemists. Since I no longer have a mortal shell, I can't feel the terror you felt, thinking you were going to die. It must have been very painful and lonely. I want my body back Brother. I want to be able to feel what you felt, to feel human again. If we find the Philosopher's Stone, I can have that. Edward Elric: When I was certain he was going to kill me, my mind went blank, and I didn't have any hope anymore. All I could do was scream my lungs out. I felt so helpless, I couldn't even bring myself to believe someone might save me. And then you showed up Al, and I realized that if we don't take care of each other then no one else will. So I'll do anything in my power to get our bodies back, even if it means being the militaries lap dog. And we'll just have to hope our powers are good enough to help us rise above our own limits. Because we're not Gods, we're humans, tiny insignificant humans. Who couldn't even save a little girl. Greed: Who are you? Izumi Curtis: Pissed off! Alphonse Elric: Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth. Roy Mustang: You can call me Roy Mustang. Or just Lieutenant Colonel. Hell, you can call me the Flame Alchemist. Whatever you do, remember the pain. Edward Elric: [speaking through a speakerphone he created] Attention, Gun-toting extremists! You hear me alright? Or did you blow your ears out playing target practice? Gunman #1: What the hell... is that? Edward Elric: Let the hostages go! You've got no right to drag these travelers into your personal politics! Bald: You're one of Mustang's secret agents, aren't you? Interfere and I'll kill these hostages, one by one. Edward Elric: You're just itching to draw blood, aren't you? Alright! [a large pipe appears through the door] Gunman #2: Looks like... a pipe. Edward Elric: Okay, passengers! Hold onto your seats, and get ready for some turbulence! Roy Mustang: Maes Hughes - Killed in Action, and promoted two ranks for it. Brigadier General Hughes. You were supposed to work under me, help to push me to the top. Now here you are surpassing me in the ranks. I don't know what's more absurd - you or the State. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Edward Elric 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [to Magwar, in response to imposter Elric brothers] I told ya before, let's take care of those kids first. It's been a while since I've killed anyone. I kinda miss it. [his eye turns to Magwar with a sick, scary grin] Edward Elric: You wanna watch? [after blowing open wall of Lab 5] Scar: Full Metal Alchemist! Take your brother and get out of here! Edward Elric: I don't need your help! Scar: Maybe not, but your younger brother needs you. Edward Elric: Let's go! Number 48, Slicer: Older Broher: No, you don't understand. You must destroy us. Slicer: Young Brother: He's right. You must destroy us. There is nothing for the defeated but death that is our rule. Edward Elric: I'm not killing anyone. That's not what I do. Number 48, Slicer: Older Broher: You're too kind with your words. Calling us anyone, not anything. As if we could still be called human in this twisted state. I didn't say kill, I said destroy. Destroy these thing's we've become. Edward Elric: To do that, I'd have to admit you weren't human. And for me to do that, I'd have to admit the same of my brother and I can't do that. Number 48, Slicer: Older Broher: He's your brother. Roy Mustang: [stops in the hall and strikes a pose] That day all female officers will be required to wear tiny miniskirts! Jean Havoc: [falls to his knees with a nosebleed and rubs his face on Mustang's leg] You're a miracle, Mustang! I'll follow you forever! Roy Mustang: Yes. Colonel Roy Mustang: What are you doing all of a sudden? Lieutenant Lisa Hawkeye: You're useless in the rain, so please stay back, Colonel. Colonel Roy Mustang: Don't look so gloomy. Lieutenant Lisa Hawkeye: Your plan was perfect, but because I didn't make it in time... Colonel Roy Mustang: There is no such thing as perfection. This world itself is imperfect. [runs a hand through her hair] Colonel Roy Mustang: That's what makes it so beautiful. Maes Hughes: Hey, I've got a message from Roy. Edward Elric: You mean the Colonel? Maes Hughes: He said, [dropping his voice lower to imitate Mustang] Maes Hughes: "Don't die under my command, you're enough of a pain without the paperwork." That was it. Edward Elric: Tell him fine, there's no way I'm dying before you do, you morally bankrupt Colonel with a God complex. Alphonse Elric: [sitting in a crate at a train station] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • What could I do? I'm empty armor with half my pieces missing. If I had said, "Don't move me, I'm with Elric." What would they have done? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Edward Elric: And why would I do this for you? Lust: Oh, but we're not asking, Full Metal... [she picks up the Slicer's helmet and opens it] Lust: We're telling. Do you know what happens to an attached soul... when you do this? [she begins to remove the blood seal] Edward Elric: You can't do that! He's still a human being! Number 48, Slicer: Older Broher: Edward Elric... I... [the helmet shatters. Lust drops the pieces and moves to Al's armor. She reaches her nail inside and prepares to remove his seal] Lust: This won't take long. Edward Elric: No! Please don't! He's my little brother! Please don't take him away from me! I'm begging you! Alphonse Elric: Brother, it's okay. What am I, really? Barry the Chopper: What if you're a fake? An imitation? How would you know the difference? Edward Elric: There's this thing see, something I've been meaning to tell you... Edward Elric: Don't give up on me yet, Al. [he moves to fix the ceiling so he can make the Philosopher's Stone] Alphonse Elric: No fair, sky. I'm the one who feels like crying. Alphonse Elric: Kidnappers? Kidnapper 1: Alphonse Elric... I'm sorry but you're coming with us. Alphonse Elric: But, Sensei told me never to go anywhere with strangers. Kidnapper 2: Are you an idiot? How old are you? Alphonse Elric: Fourteen. Kidnapper 2: Fourteen, huh? You're old enough to think for yourself. Listen, you should act like a man and do what you want. You can't listen to your Sensei forever. Alphonse Elric: I see. I should think on my own. Kidnapper 2: Yes, that's right. Now that you understand, come with us... [Al interrupts by hitting Kidnapper 2 over the head, knocking him unconscious] Alphonse Elric: Upon thinking for myself, I've concluded that I will not go anywhere with strangers. Edward Elric: Who are you calling so short you want to squish like an ant? Alphonse Elric: Calm down, he never said anything like that! Edward Elric: But he was thinking it. Envy: The reason you're still around, the only reason I haven't killed you is that we were told not to. But I can never forgive you... and there'll never be a time when I'm able to forgive you... for carrying that bastard's blood in your veins! Maes Hughes: [showing Edward a photograph of his daughter] Look! Can you believe how big Elicia's gotten? She can even ride a tricycle now! She follows me everywhere on that thing, like my own escort of cuteness. [kisses photo] Edward Elric: Yep, you're the same as ever, Major - nice and insane. Referee: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [about Edward in an arm wrestling match] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Nah, I couldn't possibly ask *this* shrimp! Take on the champ... [laughs] Edward Elric: [enraged] I'm not a shrimp! [leaps at the referee, but is held back by Alphonse] Referee: Whoa, you're a pretty feisty shrimp, aren't ya? Looks like you salvaged that automail from the bottom of a scrap heap! Winry Rockbell: [looks enraged] Alphonse. Let go of your brother. Alphonse Elric: [nervous] Yes, ma'am. Wrath: [to Edward] Thanks for the Arm and leg! Wrath: [to Izumi] Thanks for this incomplete life! Nothing can match my gratitude. Not even my hate. Wrath: [fighting Alphonse and gets thrown by him] Ow! That hurt! [grinning] Wrath: Your metal body isn't the one I'm after! Roy Mustang: It's going to rain today. Lieutenant Lisa Hawkeye: Yes. Alphonse Elric: Be careful, brother! He's a homunculi just like the others! Edward Elric: [talking over Greed] I see, no wonder... [Ed starts attacking Greed's men] Greed: [holding up Izumi by her collar] Hey, listen, I've got a hostage here. Is everyone forgetting about that? Come on, isn't anybody paying attention here! Hellooo? Greed: I hope you're ready for me to fight back this time, Mr. Elric. Edward Elric: Don't worry. [Ed transmutes his arm into a blade] Edward Elric: I'm always ready... [shouts] Edward Elric: when I'm pissed! Greed: [after being stabbed through the chest and de-transforms] ... Damn kid... that was good. Colonel Roy Mustang: [takes Fuery's glasses off and places them on a surprised Lieutenant Hawkeye. Cocks his head and smirks at her] Not bad. Lieutenant Lisa Hawkeye: [adjusts them and gives him an annoyed look] Very funny. Roy Mustang: [to Edward] I'm not chasing you because I was commanded to. I'm doing it because I'm pissed. Jean Havoc: The classic sewer escape. Roy Mustang: Don't follow him. Jean Havoc: Dammit, I was about to jump in! Maes Hughes: Nice mess! Is it over yet? Roy Mustang: You know, you could try to help while you're here, Hughes. Maes Hughes: Lay off, I'm as normal as they come and this is a contest of freaks. What do you want me to do, fire my slingshot at him? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Lieutenant Lisa Hawkeye 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Master Sergeant Feury, during your last physical examination we discovered a severe case of athletes foot... and we now believe that it is affecting your brain. Izumi Curtis: You helped bring a new life into this world, and that's an invaluable experience. Edward Elric: Naw... we just ran around, screaming our heads off, thinking she was gonna die. Edward Elric: Damn it, there are so many idiots whose asses I have to kick! I'll have to start carrying a list just to keep track of 'em all! [Ed is pursuing Siren, a Phantom thief, through town] Edward Elric: [Catches up to her and pins her] I've got you pinned, Siren! [Realizing he has his hand on her breast, he immediately jumps to his feet] Edward Elric: I didn't mean that! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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