阿滋海默调查案 (2005)

  • 比利时 荷兰
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  • 动作  犯罪  惊悚


  • Eric Vincke: ...traces of animal feces. Freddy Verstuyft: Feces? Eric Vincke: Shit, Freddy, dog shit, cow shit... shit. Freddy Verstuyft: Vincke... I know where he is... pigeon shit. Eric Vincke: All right, Ledda, you can begin. Angelo Ledda: He has to be able to keep track, I guess? [glares at Verstuyft] Jean de Haeck: I wished... Baron Henri Gustave de Haeck: "I wished" is for old wives. A man says "I want". Freddy Verstuyft: [Nearly hitting a car] Goddammit! Fucking BMW's! Eric Vincke: Right does have priority, Freddy. Pay attention. Freddy Verstuyft: [while practicing his French] Vincke, why do you have to know French to pass the commisioner's exam? Tom Coemans: To be able to read the menus in the fancy restaurants, Freddy. Seynaeve: [when seeing Ledda] But... you're dead! Angelo Ledda: No... YOU are dead! [shoots Seynaeve] [Freddy hooks up a phone-tracer] Eric Vincke: Is that legal? Freddy Verstuyft: No... Japanese. Angelo Ledda: [about killing Jean de Haeck] I'm sure nobody will miss him. *I* didn't. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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