
  • Uniform Cop: Wherever there's a hippie, there's a crime, even if that crime hasn't happened yet. That's what I always say. Uniform Cop: So what'cha doing here? Barney: We're, uh, meeting someone off a flight. Uniform Cop: You're meeting someone off of a flight? Barney: Yes. Uniform Cop: In a hearse? Barney: Yes. It's a, surprise. Uniform Cop: Which part's the surprise, um, the fact that you're in a bright yellow hearse? The fact that you look like something out of a horror film? Or, the fact, that you're a half mile away from the terminal and they're gonna have to walk across two runways to reach you? Barney: The first part. Phil Kaufman: We'll be goin' now that your sign is no longer impeding our forward progress. Uniform Cop: You missed a gap 50 yards wide and hit a wall... IN BROAD DAYLIGHT! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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