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"Charles II: The Power & the Passion"

"Charles II: The Power & the...

2003-11-23(英国)| 英国
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(2004年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

The focus of King Charles II is his court, his squabbling family and his glamorous mistresses - from the high-born and promiscuous Barbara V...更多>


[speaking to Monmouth] George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham: Wait here to be arrested, or make your peace with the King... if you can. [pauses] George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham: For my part I am weary of Whitehall, I have neglected my wife these past twenty years. It is time I went home. Queen Henrietta Maria: Did you know that last night at dinner I was obliged to eat all five courses from the same plate? I've never heard of anything so disgusting. Nell Gwynn: [after being mistaken for Charles' Catholic mistress Louise de Kéroualle] Good people, you are mistaken; I am the Protestant whore. King Charles II: It's all been for nothing, Nell. The cause that gave my life meaning, will die with me. I fought to restore everything that was lost when my father was murdered but James will destroy it all. I know that, I've always known that. Nell Gwynn: Then why did you fight so hard for him? King Charles II: Not for him, for the principle. For the rights of Kings. Parliament will have its victory in the end. Nell Gwynn: You know what I think about politics; it's all a lot of foolish men scheming to ruin each other for no reason anyone can remember a few years later. If it was up to me, I'd give the throne to Monmouth. Because, in my opinion, a King should always be handsome. [laughs] King Charles II: Sweet Nell, how much better the world might be if it were arranged to your liking. King Charles II: [on his deathbed] Be kind to Portsmouth and let not poor Nelly starve. King Charles II: As you intend on poetry, Rochester, why not provide it yourself? Rochester: A short epigram in your honour then, Your Majesty. [pause] Rochester: "We have a pretty, witty King, Whose word no man relies on. Who never said a foolish thing, Nor ever did a wise one" King Charles II: Be just, Rochester. The wise words are my own, the deeds are my ministers'. Soldier: [busting a Millenarian prayer meeting] Good news, preacher, you'll be seeing Jesus sooner than you think! Nell Gwynn:


I belong to the king. Not just because he bought me, but because I choose it. And as long as he wants me, I'll be his, and his alone. And you know what? I do love him. He's kind and decent, and he'll look after me. How's that for a transaction?


George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham: I've seen many a lady turn into a whore, but I've never seen a whore make such a fine lady. Catherine of Braganza: Anne... Anne of Braganza: I know!

"Charles II: The Power & the Passion"

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