死亡鬼屋 (2003)

  • 加拿大 美国
  • |
  • 动作  恐怖  灾难
  • 片       名死亡鬼屋
  • 上映时间2005年01月13日
  • 导       演 乌维·鲍尔
  • 剧       情
    《死亡之屋》本是世嘉街机上的一款流行射击游戏,在近年流行的低成本恐怖片热潮之中,如此现成的一个恐怖题材被搬上大银幕也就顺理成章。导演乌维·鲍尔明年还有另一部恐怖片《鬼屋魔影》(Alone in the Dark)推出,《死亡之屋》也是以《女巫布莱尔》...


  • Greg: [pointing on a zombie in the water] Shoot it! Capt. Victor Kirk: What do you think I am trying to do, you fucking moron? Rudy: You did all this to become immortal. Why? Castillo: To live forever! Salish: No cap'n, we must not go there! It's eeeeevil! Rudy: We finally got to the boat but it wasn't there. Alicia: Guys, check out this book. Looks pretty old, maybe it'll help us! [after being attacked by Castillo] Alicia: Isn't it nice to know someone wants you for you body? Rudy: Yeah. Depending on what they want. Jordan Casper: Who was that thing? Karma: Our best friend. Jordan Casper: Not anymore. Alicia: These are zombies, pure and simple. Simon: What're we going to do? We don't have weapons or food. We don't have shit! Capt. Victor Kirk: Actually, we do. Jordan Casper: Look, I don't know what's going on here, okay? What I do know is that I got to get you all off this island. How did you get here? Rudy: The boat, like everyone else. But it's gone, it's been destroyed. Rudy: Who's the guy with the Tom Cruise smile and the Rainman brain? Capt. Victor Kirk: Lady needs to dine on a humble pie every once in a while. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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