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Jane Moore:
Do you like robbing banks?
Shane Twentyman:
Off the record, I fucking love it!
Mal Twentyman:
You smell better than Christmas dinner.
Frank Malone:
Where's the money?
Dale Twentyman:
Oooh, I stuck it up a cow's arse.
Frank Malone:
Well I hope you washed your hands after.
Shane Twentyman:
Dale is the smart one, Mal is the good one, and I'm the fuck up.
Carol Twentyman:
I thought you liked me being a tart.
Dale Twentyman:
I like you being my tart.
[while discussing about a prisoner's interest in a book called 'Portnoy's Complaint']
What's he complaining about?
Dale Twentyman:
Oh, his mother, women, not enough sex. You know, the usual.
Any good?
Dale Twentyman:
Well that would depend on whether you've spoofed all over the toothbrushes with your mother trying to bash down the bathroom door. 'Wanker's Bible', it's pretty funny.
I'll have a go after Millenhall.
Dale Twentyman:
What's going on?
Shane Twentyman:
Tarzan's gone ape-shit!
Dale Twentyman:
We've got time for a swim after this.
Shane Twentyman:
We haven't got any trunks.
Dale Twentyman:
We'll go in our undies.
Shane Twentyman:
I'm not wearing any.
Dale Twentyman:
[Looks at Shane] I'll buy you some.
Shane Twentyman:
Dale Twentyman:
Frank Malone:
We're going after the Melbourne Cup.
Mal Twentyman:
[confused] You serious?... Where will you sell it?
Frank Malone:
Not the cup, the money... the bookies mate, fuck.
[the Twentyman's and Frank argue in the car, Tarzan stops it by firing his shotgun through the ceiling]
Next one who says a bloody word, I'll blow his bloody brains out. Right.
Mal Twentyman:
[Deafened] What!