
  • Joe Darrow: Think I'm losing my edge? Hugh Campbell: Just the opposite, it's getting too sharp. You are starting to cut people around here. Dr. Charlie Dickenson: Death is like being pregnant; You're either are or you're not. Miriam: Take down the vacancy that says "Emily's ghost is welcome here". You got to do the hard stuff. Got to clean out closets and get on with your life without her. Miriam: Have you personally, had any experience with Emily since her death? Joe Darrow: You know the answer as well as I do, of course I haven't. Miriam: And why haven't you? Joe Darrow: Because I haven't gone half way to Heaven and she has no way of reaching me. I know it sounds crazy. Miriam: I know, and aren't you the guy, who doesn't believe in Heaven? Sister Madeline: If we can create this life with what imagination, why not the next? Ben: The lady in the picture, she wants you to go there. Joe Darrow: Go where, Ben? Ben: The Rainbow! [shows him a drawing a wavy cross] Joe Darrow: That's a good drawing. Jeffrey: Yeah, What is it? Joe Darrow: A Crucifix made of Jello! The Nurse: Thats all he keeps drawing, hasn't stop since he got out of the ICU. Jeffrey: Yeah, I saw you in there, but you were wearing a different tie. Joe Darrow: Jeffrey, do you know who I am? Jeffrey: Emily's Joe! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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