甜心情缘 (2002)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 爱情  喜剧  音乐
  • 片       名甜心情缘
  • 上映时间2003年07月18日
  • 导       演 瑞克·法穆易瓦
  • 剧       情
      这部投资800万美元的小制作,被评论认为是黑人版的《当哈里遇上萨丽》(When Harry Met Sally)。影片情节本身没有任何的悬疑,结果也是一目了然。本片是一份典型的爱情喜剧甜点。编剧艾略特表示,他创作这个剧本的初衷之一,就是改变观众心...


  • Chris: I'm not the Humphrey Bogart in this. I'm the Peter Lorre. I'm the sidekick character. You the Humphrey Bogart. You had your opening. You know what I'm saying? She wanted you to stop her from marrying the old dude, but you let it ride, you know? Same thing Bogey did, man. You're the same dude. Dre: Man, don't be dissin' Humphrey Bogart, man. Chris: Why not? Dre: 'Cause he's Humphrey Bogart. He's the man. Yo, he was fightin' a war. That's what they did back then. Chris: You know what he needed to do back then? He needed to stop fine-ass Ingrid Bergman from gettin' on the plane with the corny dude. And then, he gonna walk off in the fog with some other dude. Come on, man. With another dude, in the fog? Come on. Two grown men walk off in a fog, you don't know where they goin'? Think about it, man. Dre: You smoke too much grass, man. Chris: I hope you don't think you walkin' off no place with me, man. Matter of fact, let me sit over here. Sidney 'Syd' Shaw: I'm getting married, you're still married and we just got busy. Sidney 'Syd' Shaw: Let's Have Sex Now. Kelby Dawson: Yeah. Let's. Dre: Simplicity provides a fine line between elegance and plainness. Dre: It's when you talk like that, that's what makes me think that you're jealous. Sidney 'Syd' Shaw: What? Dre: Yes. Jealous! Sidney 'Syd' Shaw: [throws a cookie on the table] No wonder you two are married, you're both crazy! Look here, contrary to what you and your wife may think, I don't spend my nights thinkin' about you, okay? Dre: Shh! Lower the voice. Sidney 'Syd' Shaw: I got a man who's fine, intelligent, successful, and gives it to me on a very, very regular basis and the s**t is the bomb! Dre: So! I don't care what - Sidney 'Syd' Shaw: Dre I need you to be happy for me. I need you to be there for me, just like you asked of me. So - so I can have tea and eat cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut off! [throws more cookies on the table in frustration] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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