机动战士高达SEED (2002)

  • 日本
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  • 动作  动画  科幻
  • 片       名机动战士高达SEED
  • 上映时间2002年10月05日(日本)
  • 导       演 Mitsuo Fuk...


  • Athrun Zala: Kira... what are you thinking about, now? [Patricks slams his palms on the desk and stands up] Patrick Zala: I'm warning you, Athrun, I won't tolerate this talk, especially from a boy who doesn't understand a thing! Athrun Zala: I think you're the one who doesn't really understand what's going on here. Alaska, Panama, Victoria... you attacked because you were attacked first. But you were attacked again because of that. This war only keeps escalating. Patrick Zala: Where did you get these crazy ideas? It's that girl! Did Lacus Clyne fill your head with lies too? Athrun Zala: All you can think about is meeting power with more power! Tell me, father, is that really your true intention? Do you believe that will ever bring an end to this war? Patrick Zala: Of course it will! When the very last Natural is dead, this war will end. [Athrun's eyes widen in shock and disbelief] Patrick Zala: Now tell me, Athrun, what happened to our machines, the Justice and the Freedom? And answer carefully because I forgive no one! Athrun Zala: Are you serious? Do you mean what you just said, father? About how you want all the Naturals dead? Patrick Zala: That's the whole point of this war! That reason and that reason alone is why we are fighting this war! How could you possibly have forgotten that fact? [Patrick throws his son to the floor and pulls something out of his drawer] Athrun Zala: A gun, father? Patrick Zala: What a pathetic sight you are! Now stop this nonsense and answer! Where are the Justice and the Freedom? [Athrun is silent] Patrick Zala: I won't hesitate to have you arrested as a traitor if you don't answer. [Athrun remains tight-lipped, Patrick summons the guards from outside and they all come in and point their guns at Athrun, who just stares at the floor and recalls what Lord Uzumi said earlier] Uzumi Nara Athha: To make matters worse, the PLANTs are led by someone who believes Coordinators are a new species; for Patrick Zala rules them now. The way things are developing the world will soon be trapped between two forces who refuse to accept each others' existence. Patrick Zala: What's going on? What happened? Where's Justice? And what happened to the Freedom? Athrun Zala: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • First things first. I have a question for you. What are your true intentions regarding this war? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Patrick Zala: What did you say? Athrun Zala: You heard me, Father. How long are we going to keep fighting this war? Patrick Zala: What are you blathering about? What's important is the mission you were assigned. Now stop wasting time and make your report! Athrun Zala: I came back because I felt I had to ask that one question in person. That's it, father. Patrick Zala: Athrun, you little bastard! [Kira feels awkward because he took the life of Andy's lover Aisha in their last encounter] Kira Yamato: You have every reason to want revenge on me. Andrew Waltfeld: That's what happens in war. Everyone has some kind of reason, but no one does. Rau Le Creuset: Nobody is ever born into this world as a soldier. Murrue Ramius: [about the Earth Aliance] Do you think they're planning to launch an all-out attack on the PLANTs? Andrew Waltfeld: Their military is full of people who have always wanted to pull off that kind of stunt. "For the preservation of our blue and pure world." Mu La Flaga: That's enough. Andrew Waltfeld: Hey, they're the ones saying it, not me. Mu La Flaga: I know, but you're right. Andrew Waltfeld: I can't see how getting rid of all the Coordinators would lead to a pure world. I don't even know what a pure world is. Blue Cosmos motto: For the preservation of our blue and pure world! Muruta Azrael: Say boys... Orga Sabnak: What? Shani Andras [English version]: Huh? Clotho Buer: Yeah? Muruta Azrael: It's extremely important that you not damage Morgenroete or the mass driver. Do you understand? Shani Andras [English version]: But we can do anything else we want to, right? Clotho Buer: Oh yeah. Orga Sabnak: Why don't you guys shut up? Orga Sabnak: You stupid mobile suit! You're out of energy already? Clotho Buer: It's because you're firing all over the place, dumbass! Orga Sabnak: Say what? Clotho Buer: You wanna leave, then do it yourself. You're on your own now! [Athrun leaps out of the water in the ZGMF-X09A Justice and slices Clotho's hammer in half, forcing him to fall back] Orga Sabnak: Hey you're the dumbass! Clotho Buer: Who do you think you're... [Orga lands the GAT-X131 Clamity on top of the GAT-X370 Raider] Clotho Buer: Who said you could get on, freeloader? Orga Sabnak: Shut your mouth! We've gotta go back and recharge. Don't tell me you're not running on empty as well. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [after learning that Athrun was the one responsible for Tolle's death, Miriallia runs off crying rather than attack him like she did to Dearka who runs after her] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dearka Elsman: Hey! Miriallia Haww [English version]: What do you want? Dearka Elsman: Uh... he's the one who killed that guy... you know, Tolle. Miriallia Haww [English version]: So, what is your point? Weren't you listening to Kira? This is what he meant! Would killing him bring Tolle back to me? Of course it wouldn't. So, why don't you just stop talking about it? Cagalli Yula Athha: [to Athrun] I bet your head is like a hamster running in its wheel right about now. [Turning down Natarle's plea that she surrender] Murrue Ramius: This isn't only about what happened at Alaska. We have serious doubts about the Earth Forces in their entirety. No surrender, no return to the military! [the Earth Forces have once again used nuclear weapons and destroyed Boaz] Muruta Azrael: That was nice and quick. Even ZAFT's fortresses are simply no match for nuclear warheads. Natarle Badgiruel: Director Azrael... Muruta Azrael: Hm? Natarle Badgiruel: I understand that they're our enemies, but don't you feel any remorse for using nuclear weapons? Muruta Azrael: I must say I'm surprised to hear that kind of comment from a professional soldier. Why I'm almost a saint compared to some commanders who would knowingly send their troops out to die knowing full well that it was a battle they could never win. Muruta Azrael: Damn it! I can't die like this! Natarle Badgiruel: Azrael, what now? Muruta Azrael: I can still win! [Targets the Lohengrin on the Archangel] Muruta Azrael: That's right, I always win! Natarle Badgiruel: You bastard! [Azrael fires the Lohengrin] Ssigh Argyle: Captain! Murrue Ramius: Evade! Neumann: Too late! We can't! [Murrue gasps as the blast approaches the bridge, but Mu jumps in with the Strike Gundam and blocks it] Mwu La Fllaga: Didn't I tell you I could make the impossible possible? [after absorb the blast completely, the Strike Gundam explodes, leaving everyone aghast] Murrue Ramius: [crying hard] MU! Muruta Azrael: No, but I... Natarle Badgiruel: It looks like you lose. Muruta Azrael: How dare you mock me! [Throws Natarle to the floor and pulls out his gun again] Ssigh Argyle: Captain, the Dominion is still closing! Murrue Ramius: Aim Lohengrin! Muruta Azrael: Damn you! [Shoots Natarle a fourth time] Natarle Badgiruel: Now Murrue Ramius... Murrue Ramius: Fire! Muruta Azrael: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [seeing the approaching blast from the Archangel] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! [the blast strikes the bridge of the Dominion, killing Azrael and Natarle] Rau Le Creuset: You're something that shouldn't have been allowed to exist, boy! Kira Yamato: Just shut up! Rau Le Creuset: If people learned of your existence, they would want to become just as you are! They would want to become like you! Kira Yamato: That's garbage! Rau Le Creuset: And that's the reason why... you're existence cannot be allowed! Kira Yamato: I'm not... even if that's true... I am not defined by my abilities alone! Rau Le Creuset: Who's going to believe that line? Will they understand that? Of course they won't! Nobody will! Patrick Zala: They're right there! Our enemies are still out there! Why would you even suggest we not fire it? We must fire it again, before they have a chance to retaliate! The enemy must be annihialated! Why can't you all understand that? Subordinate: Excellency, our forces are still in the line of fire! Patrick Zala: All of our soldiers are fighting for one thing: victory! I'm sure they're prepared to pay the costs! Ray Yuki: You bastard! [Yuki shoots Patrick three times, leaving everyone speechless as Athrun and Cagalli enter the room. Everyone else leaves the room while Athrun and Cagalli hold Patrick as he is dying] Patrick Zala: Fire Genesis... we must... make the... world... ours... [Patrick spits up blood and dies] Athrun Zala: Father! Mu La Flaga: My dad's clone? You expect anyone to believe that fairy tale? Rau Le Creuset: I don't want to believe it either, but unfortunately... IT'S TRUE! [Yzak refuses to participate any further in the battle because his enemies are defenseless, and he is disgusted by the glee exhibited by his comrades while firing on them] Yzak Jule: What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving? Uzumi Nara Athha: The Earth Forces' present actions are being guided by the leader of Blue Cosmos, Muruta Azrael. To make matters worse, the PLANTs are led by someone who believes Coordinators are a new species; Patrick Zala rules them now. The way things are developing the world will soon be trapped between two forces who refuse to accept each others' existence. Fllay Allster: But I... I really have to see him again. Kira [sniffs] Fllay Allster: is alive. [cries] Fllay Allster: So, I really have to see him and talk to him and the others... properly this time! Natarle Badgiruel: You may want to stay off the bridge. It won't be as frightening if you stay in your sleeping quarters. You look sacred. Fllay Allster: I-I'm terrified! But I'm just starting to realize now... everybody else saw it and understood what was happening as it unfolded, but I... [flashback to her cowering in Kira's bed] < 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • br> Natarle Badgiruel: Most people are lucky they don't see those things. From here on, this war is only going to get worse. We're going to see a lot more of what we just witnessed. Fllay Allster: But that man... [flashback of Rau] Fllay Allster: ... he said the war was going to end now! Natarle Badgiruel: Oh, it will end all right. Once every last enemy is destroyed. Only then will it end. Fllay Allster: [to Lacus Clyne] I don't want any of you Coordinators acting friendly with me! Fllay Allster: [to Dearka Elsman] All of you Coordinators, deserve to be killed! Kuzzey Buskirk: Are you a member of Blue Cosmos? Fllay Allster: No, I'm not! But the stance those people take... I don't think they're really wrong. Anyone who has their genes operated on when they are not sick or anything is against what nature intended. Orga Sabnak [English version]: Hey, hey, hey! Clotho Buer: You know what I see? Targets! Mu La Flaga: Le Creuset! Is this what you were hoping for, you bastard? Rau Le Creuset: You shouldn't blame me! This is mankind's dream, mankind's desire, mankind's destiny! To be the strongest, to go the farthest, to climb the highest! Mu La Flaga: You're pathetic! Rau Le Creuset: To compete, to envy, to hate each other, and to devour one another! Mu La Flaga: I won't let your twisted logic make things worse! Rau Le Creuset: But you're too late, Mu. You see... I am the product of all of this, that's how I know! Sigel Clyne: Patrick, you must face the fact that lives are born here, not simply manufactured! Sigel Clyne: You still fail to grasp the underlying truth, Patrick; we didn't evolve. Shani Andras: Why you little... nobody takes a shot at me! Rau Le Creuset: If it's my fate to be shot down by you, I thought this place would be appropriate... However, it doesn't look like there's any chance of that happening. After all, how could the 'child' ever hope to defeat the 'parent'? Rau Le Creuset: Aren't you the least bit curious? About the ultimate extent of humanity's insatiable desires? About the fools who pursued their insane dream in the name of progress? Because after all, Kira, you're a child of this too. Rau Le Creuset: [To Kira] You are the dream of humanity, the Ultimate Coordinator. It was in pursuit of that dream that Dr. Hibiki created the artificial womb. And you are the only viable child it ever produced. For that result, a very large number of your siblings were sacrificed. Rau Le Creuset: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • They thirsted for knowledge! They sought to fulfill their desires! And ultimately, they forgot why they were doing it. Even as they proclaimed their reverence for human life, they began toying with it, and then they began destroying it! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Rau Le Creuset: I am He, that arrogant fool who thought he could fool death itself with his money. Al Da Flaga, your father, but I am merely that man's defective clone. Rau Le Creuset: The final door is about to open! And I am the one opening it! Then the world that we know of will come to an end! This world of insatiable desires will end! Rau Le Creuset: I am the only one who's earned that right in the entire universe! I alone have the right to judge all of humanity! Rau Le Creuset: Do you think you can change whats going to happen? Nobody can do anything about it. The whirlpool of hatred is engulfing the universe! Rau Le Creuset: I'll give it a try. Anything that man can do, I'm sure I can do just as well. Rau Le Creuset: [Seeing that the Dominion has been destroyed] Oh Azrael, what a disappointment you were. Rau Le Creuset: [as he prepares to fire on the Eternal with Lacus Clyne on board] "It's a shame really, I did enjoy your songs. But the real world isn't as kind as the one in pop songs! Rau Le Creuset: Why torment yourself saying, 'Eventually, someday?' How long have you been fighting with your thoughts clouded by that brand of sweet poison? Natarle Badgiruel: You're a monster who deserves to die, right here with me. Dearka Elsman: I can't just quietly follow orders when it looks like all we're trying to do is wipe out every last Natural alive. Muruta Azrael: It's simple; even a single Coordinator is a threat to the Earth's survival, and our goal here is to get rid of them all! Murrue Ramius: You kids don't understand anything! By declaring that you're neutral and have nothing to do with this, you can still distance yourselves from what's happening? You don't really believe that, do you? Andrew Waltfeld: Unlike in sports, the game of war has no set time limit and no points are awarded, so how do you determine the winners and the losers? When all your enemies are destroyed? Perhaps then. Andrew Waltfeld: The first time I actually ever had to shoot somebody, it turned my stomach. They told me I'd get used to it in time. And after a while, that's what happened. Patrick Zala: All you Naturals mark this moment well. Let this light usher in the creation of the Coordinators' world! [as he prepares to fight Murrue and Kira in the Strike Gundam] Miguel Aiman: Trying to pilot that mobile suit? You're in way over your head, Natural! Clotho Buer: What's the deal with you two anyway? Why are you fighting so desperately? Athrun Zala: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I want to ask you the same thing. What do you guys think you're fighting for? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Clotho Buer: Don't ask me, I don't really know. I hate losing. That's my only reason! Athrun Zala: What? Clotho Buer: Not that I would ever lose! Shani Andras [English version]: You know, I think there are even more of them than last time. Orga Sabnak: Although, it's really not much fun fighting the small fry. Clotho Buer: Who cares? If I'm ordered to go out and attack, I'll do what I'm told. Miriallia Haww [English version]: [about Athrun] Would killing him bring Tolle back to me? Of course it wouldn't. So, why don't you stop talking about? Fllay Allster: Huh? What did he say? Hold on, what was all that about? So then, that Kira guy, he was in... Sai Argyle: You heard about how the lifeboat you were on was carried in by a mobile suit, didn't you? My friend Kira was the one piloting it. Fllay Allster: What? He's the one? But why? Why would somebody like him be in a mobile suit? Kuzzey Buskirk: Because Kira is actually a Coordinator. [Fllay gasps] Rau Le Creuset: [about the Strike Gundam] I gather you were near that machine when it was activated. Athrun Zala: I deeply regret my conduct. I was quite upset by the events that were unfolding and failed to report the incident. That final machine... I saw who the pilot was. My friend Kira. We attended the same lunar prep school. He's a Coordinator. Rau Le Creuset: Oh? Athrun Zala: Yes sir. I never dreamed we'd meet again like this. I had to find out for sure. Rau Le Creuset: I see. Irony abounds in warfare. Well, I don't blame you for being upset. I can imagine you were very close to this friend. Athrun Zala: Yes. Rau Le Creuset: Very well. I'm taking you off the next sortie. I think it's best. You wouldn't be able to point a gun at such a friend. And I have no desire to put you in that position. Athrun Zala: No, commander, couldn't you... Rau Le Creuset: Even if he was your friend, now that he might be an enemy, we must eliminate him. I'm sure you can understand that. Athrun Zala: Kira... he fails to see he's being manipulated by the Naturals. Young as he is, he's also naive and good-natured. They're exploiting him but he's blind to it. That's why I have to go back. I have to reason with him. Kira is still a fellow Coordinator. I'm positive he'll come around to our way of thinking. Rau Le Creuset: I know how you feel. However, what if he won't listen to you? Athrun Zala: If that should happen, I'll shoot him down myself. Athrun Zala: You're one of us Kira. Kira Yamato: No! I won't join ZAFT. Yzak Jule: [Slams Athrun against the locker] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Stupid bastard! Are you out of your mind? If it hadn't been your interfering for no reason... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dearka Elsman: Quite the little disaster. And all because you had to disobey orders. Nicol Amarfi: [Enter and sees what's going on] What are you doing? This isn't the place. Stop it! Yzak Jule: We went out in four machines, and we still couldn't get him. It's too humilating for words. Nicol Amarfi: You can take it out on Athrun all you want. But it won't change anything, will it? Nicol Amarfi: [after Yzak and Dearka leave in a huff] Athrun, I can't help but think that this isn't like you. So if you... Athrun Zala: Could you just let me be alone for a while? Okay? [Exits locker room and slams his fist against the wall] Athrun Zala: Kira... [Kira thinks he has just killed Andrew Waltfeld and cries] Kira Yamato: It didn't have to end like this. Mu La Flaga: Kira Yamato. Kira Yamato: Yes? Mu La Flaga: Mr. Murdoch is pretty upset, you know? We don't have enough people. So, you maintain your machine. Okay? Kira Yamato: My machine? Wait, what do you mean my machine? Mu La Flaga: Well, let's just say that's what's been decided. Fact is, you are the only one capable of piloting it. Can't be helped. Kira Yamato: Sure, I drove the thing twice. But only because I didn't have any choice. Look, I don't want people saying that makes me a soldier or anything. Mu La Flaga: So, when the fighting starts again, you refuse to use it? Are those going to be your last words? Huh? [Kira is quiet] Mu La Flaga: At the moment, you and I are the only ones who can protect this ship. Kira Yamato: But I don't think it's... Mu La Flaga: Kira, you have the power to make a difference, don't you? Then why not put it to good use? We have precious little time. Including time to think it over. Kira Yamato: Athrun, what are you up to? Athrun Zala: I'm taking you to the Gamow. Kira Yamato: Get serious. I'm not going to set foot on any ZAFT ship. Athrun Zala: You are a Coordinator. You're one of us, Kira. Kira Yamato: No! I won't join ZAFT. Athrun Zala: That's enough, Kira. Quiet! Just let me take you. Otherwise... otherwise, I'll have no choice but to shoot you. Kira Yamato: Athrun... Athrun Zala: I already lost my mom at Bloody Valentine. That's why... [They are interrupted when the Archangel fires launcher parts] Athrun Zala: Father... Patrick Zala: What did you call me? Athrun Zala: My-my apologies... Chairman Zala. Athrun Zala: Athrun Zala. Justice. Launching! Lacus Clyne: From now on, Lacus Clyne will be singing the song of peace. Lacus Clyne: [to Athrun] What is it you believe in? What is it you're fighting for now? Is it for that medal you received? Or your father's orders? Nicol Amarfi: Mother... my piano. Athrun Zala: Nicol was fifteen. He loved the piano and Kira just cut him down. Athrun Zala: Is this... yours? [holds out Birdy to Kira] Kira Yamato: [Birdy hops on to Kira's outstretched hands] Yes... [pauses] Kira Yamato: It's a valuable gift, from a valuable friend. Athrun Zala: I see... [turns to leave] Yzak Jule: KUSO! Athrun Zala: [screams] KIRA! Kira Yamato: [screams back] Athrun! Athrun Zala: I can't exactly fight a war with a big smile on my face. Sai Argyle: What a lovely voice! But I have to wonder though... is that voice a result of fiddling around with her genes? Lacus Clyne: But your kindess doesn't come from being a Coordinator... it's because of who you are Mr. Yamato Cagalli Yula Athha: What? You're just going to fall asleep like that? Athrun Zala: Why not? Cagalli Yula Athha: I'll steal your gun. Athrun Zala: Do that and I'll have to kill you. Athrun Zala: [to cagalli] But every time we met, he wouldn't listen! I kept asking him, over and over again. Because it wasn't right for him to be on the Naturals' side. He was one of us, can't you see? Yzak Jule: STRIIIIIIIIIIIKE! Cagalli Yula Athha: There's something I have to know. Were you the one who destroyed the Strike? Athrun Zala: It was me. Cagalli Yula Athha: What happened to the pilot? Did he escape like you did? Eject? Or... we couldn't find Kira... anywhere. Say something! Athrun Zala: He's gone. Hmm... Because I took his life. It's true. I did it. I trapped the Strike with my Aegis and blew up. I don't see how he could have escaped. That was the only option I had left... to finish him. Cagalli Yula Athha: Murderer! [hits wall] Cagalli Yula Athha: It's not fair! Athrun Zala: But why... am I still alive. I guess because I got out just in time... or maybe... your destined to finish me. Cagalli Yula Athha: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Kira... took too many risks, didn't always know what he was doing and always cried. But he was kind. He was a nice guy! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Athrun Zala: Yeah, I know. Sounds like Kira hadn't changed a bit. He was always like that. Cagalli Yula Athha: Did you... Athrun Zala: He was a sentimental crybaby. And he was smart, but he never thought things through. Cagalli Yula Athha: Did you really know Kira? Athrun Zala: Yes. We were... close. We've been friends, ever since the days when we were kids. We were the best of friends. Cagalli Yula Athha: But then... that's crazy! If you consider yourself such a good friend, then why would you do this? Athrun Zala: I dunno. I have no idea why either ok? Cagalli Yula Athha: Huh? Athrun Zala: We separated as friends and the next time I saw him we were enemies. Cagalli Yula Athha: Enemies? Athrun Zala: I asked him to come with us, over and over, because he was a coordinator, can't you see? He was one of us, that's where he belonged! It wasn't right for him to be on the side of the Earth forces! Cagalli Yula Athha: So you... Athrun Zala: But whenever we talked, he wouldn't listen! He fought against us, even hurting friends of mine! And then he took Nicol's life! Cagalli Yula Athha: And so... that's why you did this to... your friend? Athrun Zala: He was an enemy. He wasn't on my side anymore! I had no choice but to destroy him! Cagalli Yula Athha: Ugh! You idiot! How could you have ever come up with something so stupid? How could you end up doing something so terrible? Athrun Zala: He took Nicol's life right before my eyes! Nicol was fifteen. He loved the piano. He only fought to protect the Plants and Kira just cut him down. Cagalli Yula Athha: The reason Kira fought was to protect other people too, but it doesn't explain why he had to pay with his life, and at the hands of his best friend, of all people! One guy takes the life for vengeance and then someones gets revenge by taking his life. How is that kind of twisted thinking every gonna bring us peace? Well? Cagalli Yula Athha: [has a gun drawn on Athurn, whose knife is drawn upon her in a combat stance] I won't let you get back in that Mobile Suit! Many more will die if I do! Athrun Zala: [With courageous sincerity] Then shoot me. [Cagalli gasps] Athrun Zala: I must fight the naturals, for if I don't, more of my people will be murdered like the innocents on PLANT. Such is my duty, for I am a warrior of ZAFT. So if you intend to stop me, I suggest you open fire. Kira Yamato: If I have the power to make a difference, I should put it to good use. Rau Le Creuset: You always seem to get in my way, Mwu La Flaga. Though I imagine you'd say the same about me. Andy: There's no other way. I'm not giving up until one of us is destroyed. Kira Yamato: [Slaps Cagalli] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • What the hell can you hope to protect when your feelings are the only weapons you've got? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Nicol Amarfi: [as he prepares to activate the Blitz's Mirage Colloid] Trial and error of an untested system... I really hope it works. Dearka Elsman: [about the GAT-X207 Blitz] Seems appropriate for Nicol. A weapon fit for a coward. Mu La Flaga: Give me a break. The minute we solve the problem with the supplies, we get thrown another in the form of a pink-haired princess. Athrun Zala: Using a rescued civilian as a hostage? So do you still feel justified in fighting by their side with these cowards? Kira? Mu La Flaga: The only reason our officers would ever resort to such dubious actions is because we're weak. [the Archangel crew are being detained on the Eurasian military base Artemis] Sai Argyle: Eurasia is supposed to be an ally. Don't they have good relations with the Atlantic Federation? Jackie Tonomura: I don't think that's the issue here. Pal: [sighs] The problem is we have no identification code. Tolle Koening: Is it that big of a deal to these guys? Chandra: Apparently it is. Kojiro Murdock: If you ask me, that's just an excuse. There's something else going on here. Neumann: I agree. Uzumi Nara Athha: [to Cagalli] If you should kill someone's husband in battle, then his wife will despise you for that. And if you were to kill someone's son, then his mother will hate you for that as well... Because if someone were to take your life, I would hate them with all my heart. Uzumi Nara Athha: We believe that no one should be judged by whether or not his or her genes were altered. Cagalli is a Natural and Kira is a Coordiantor. These are things they have no control over. Uzumi Nara Attha: We've been declared an enemy, but does that mean we're not even worth listening to? Uzumi Nara Athha: [as he detonates the self-destruct sequence that will kill him and the other Orb leaders] We can't leave Orb, or this world, in the hands of those bastards. Kuzzey Buskirk: If I'm the only one who says that he wants to leave then everyone will think that I'm afraid, that I'm just a coward! And maybe that's true, but there's nothing I can do onboard; nothing to do with fighting! I leave that stuff to the guys who are able to do it. Natarle Badgiruel: In theses conditions, we hit our own machines too! Muruta Azrael: Who cares if we hit our own machines? They have Trans-Phase armor, don't they? Yzak Jule: You're being deceived! Dearka Elsman: I wonder which one of us is really being deceived. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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