Carrie (2002)

  • 美国
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  • 恐怖
  • 片       名Carrie
  • 上映时间2002年11月04日
  • 导       演 David Cars...
  • 剧       情
    Carrie White is a shy, troubled teenage girl with the unwanted and often uncontrollable gift of telekenisis, the ability to move any objects...
  • 获       奖


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  • Carrie White: Does everyone think they can go on playing tricks on me? Chris Hargensen: This isn't over. This is so not over, it's not even in the same area code as over! Helen Shyres: Oh my god, where did you get that dress? Carrie White: I made it. Helen Shyres: [Impressed] Shut up! Carrie White: You shut up! Helen Shyres: Seriously, you made that? Carrie White: I did. I... I like to sew. It's a real simple pattern. [walks past Helen] Helen Shyres: [gasps] Look at your ass! Carrie White: What? Helen Shyres: Okay, after seeing your ass, the whole "nun in street clothes" thing is no longer acceptable. Tommy Ross: [to Carrie] That was a compliment. [Talking about Carrie White] Detective John Mulcahey: Was she a friend of yours? Sue Snell: Carrie didn't have any friends. Detective John Mulcahey: When I was in high school, even the biggest losers had a bird of a feather. Sue Snell: She wasn't a loser. She just didn't belong. Detective John Mulcahey: Why do you think that is? Sue Snell: It's not brain surgery. We are talking about Carrie White. Detective John Mulcahey: Maybe she didn't want to belong. Sue Snell: Everybody wants to belong. Anyone who tells you they don't is lying. I think Carrie wanted it more than any of us. Sue Snell: [watching Chris walk in] Has Chris said anything? Helen Shyres: Only that she hates your guts. Tina Blake: Dude! Carrie's "Aunt Flo" is in town and she's freaking out! Chris Hargensen: Are you serious? Tina Blake: Yes! Come on! Chris Hargensen: Oh my god! [girls follow Chris and Tina to showers] Girl in Locker Room: Did you get your period? Girls in Locker Room: [chanting] Period. Period. Period... Tina Blake: [to Carrie] Oh, hey Carrie! Do you want to come sit in Chris's desk today? I just, I don't think she's going to be using it since you got her kicked out of school! [Estelle wakes up to find Little Carrie standing next to her] Estelle Horan: Hi. Little Carrie: What are those? Estelle Horan: Breasts. Little Carrie: I wish I had some. Estelle Horan: You'll get some. You just have to wait a few years. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Little Carrie: No, I won't. Momma says good girls don't get them. Estelle Horan: Your Mom is such a hypocrite - she's like a C cup. Little Carrie: Momma said she was bad when she made me. She calls them dirty pillows. Estelle Horan: [calling after Little Carrie] Do yourself a favor and run away from home! Chris Hargensen: [about Carrie] God, I hate her! Chris Hargensen: You can't talk to us like that! My dad's a lawyer. [Carrie has just slammed a door and upended a table] Margaret White: Witch! Carrie White: I'm not a witch, I just... sometimes... I can move things. Margaret White: I should have known when you let the fire come. Sin never dies. Carrie White: I'm not the only one, Momma. Other people can do it, too. I read about them on the Internet. Sue Snell: It wasn't your fault. It wasn't all your fault. [pause] Sue Snell: We shouldn't be here. People thinking you're dead is sort of contingent on nobody seeing you alive. Carrie White: Where am I going to go? Sue Snell: I don't know. Somewhere where they don't know you. [pause] Sue Snell: I'll drive you as far as Florida. Then I have to come back. Carrie White: They're called breasts, Momma. All the girls have them. They're very fashionable these days. Carrie White: You're doing this because you feel sorry for me. Sue Snell: This is not a pity thing. I don't feel sorry for you. Carrie White: Yeah, you do. You feel sorry for me because you think you're better than me. Sue Snell: I don't think I'm better than you. Carrie White: It's okay. Everyone does. Doesn't mean it's true, though. Margaret White: You've gone so far astray, I fear for you. Carrie White: You really think I'm going to burn in hell, Momma, just for going to my prom? Margaret White: I don't want to think about what's going to happen to you. Sin knows you now. It will find you. Carrie White: Momma... Margaret White: Your sin will find you, Carrie, and when it does, not even Jesus can help you. Carrie White: [exasperated] Jesus will help me. He will help me if I really need him. Margaret White: Not if he doesn't love you anymore. Carrie White: Jesus loves everybody, Momma - even me! Detective John Mulcahey: Do you consider yourself anti-religious, Sue? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : No. I just think some people take it too far, that's all. Detective John Mulcahey: And you disapprove? Sue Snell: Look, I'm all for believing whatever it is that you want to believe; but you say "religion" and I'm thinking Da Vinci's "Last Supper". Jesus looks sad, the apostles look miserable - I don't want to go to their party. Shouldn't religion be more like "Dogs Playing Poker?" Detective John Mulcahey: Dogs playing...? Sue Snell: Poker. I can't tell you what any of the apostles are doing in "The Last Supper", but I can tell you that the little white bulldog is holding an ace under the table. See? That's fun. I'm engaged. There's awe and wonderment... That other stuff is just ritual and punishment, and it's way too weird and way too serious. Tommy: We should have a rule: If they do something in a Freddie Prinze Jr. movie, we're not allowed to do it in real life. Chris Hargensen: I mean she practically talked me into getting Botox last year! Carrie White: Maybe she thought you needed it. Estelle Horan: [after Margaret demands Carrie stop talking to her] Calm down, Margaret. We were only talkin! Margaret White: Don't tell me to calm down, whore girl. Estelle's Mother: Now Margaret, I asked you not to call my daughter that! Detective John Mulcahey: You and Christine Hargenson, friends until the end? Sue Snell: I wouldn't say that. Detective John Mulcahey: What would you say? Sue Snell: We had our differences. Detective John Mulcahey: Differences about Carrie White? Sue Snell: Differences about a lot of things. I played with Barbie, she played with horses. She's a back to front, I'm a front to back. Tommy Ross: So... did your ceiling like... just collapse or something? Carrie White: Yes. Yes my ceiling just collapsed, just now. Tommy Ross: Whoa. Can I see it? Carrie White: No. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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