Charly (2002)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  爱情
  • 片       名Charly
  • 上映时间2002年09月20日(美国)
  • 导       演 Adam Thoma...


  • [Charly is driving fast in downtown Salt Lake City] Sam: Slow down. I want to be able to borrow this car again. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Charly 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Life is for fun, Sam. Sounds like you need a life. Woo-hoo! Cannot drive this this in Manhattan. Sam: You're not supposed to drive like this in Utah, Charlene. Charly: Charly, call me Charly. Sam: I don't think this is such a good idea, Charly. Charly: [voiceover] The ride is not over yet. I will save your place in line. I love you. [Sam takes Charly on the Ferris wheel for the last time] Charly: It's been a marvelous ride, hasn't it? Sam: The best. Charly: I love you. Sam: You'd better. Sam: All I want is one lousy miracle! Is that too much to ask? Charly: [crying] It is not the end. Sam: What if I was wrong? What if there's nothing after this and it's all just a lie? Charly: It doesn't feel like a lie. Rafferty: Next, please. Charly: What is your name? Rafferty: Rafferty, ma'am. Charly: Mr. Rafferty, I would like you to meet my fiance. He's just proposed and you are the first one we've told. Sam and I would like to ride your ferris wheel for a long time... understand? Rafferty: I'm not that old. [winks] Rafferty: Hang on. [in a supermarket after Charly broke Sam's palm pilot] Charly: [over P.A] Sammy, Sammy this is mommy. Can you hear me? The nice man in the store let me talk to you on their big radio. Sammy, if you can hear me listen carefully. Mommy's sorry, Sammy. Remember when mommy bought you a big bag of popcorn last week? Sammy, go to the popcorn machine. Mommy has a big bag of popcorn for you. I will buy you a new toy, just don't be angry any more. And Sammy... mommy loves you, dear. Charly: Sam, wait up. Don't go, let's talk. Sam: How could you do this to me? Charly: To you? Sam: You're not who I thought you were. Charly: Sam, I had a life before I met you, I did. But it was different then, and I was different then. Sam... Sam, look at me. You introduced me to a new way of looking at life, but it's not going to mean much to me unless you're a part of it. Sam... Sam, I think I just told you I love you. Sam, please say something. What do you want? Sam: I don't know. Not used merchandise. [Charly walks off distraught] Sam: I was jealous... Mark Reynolds: mmhmm Sam: ...and thoughtless... Mark Reynolds: Don't let me stop you Charly: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Relax, Utah. If you can drive in New York, you can drive anywhere! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [reflecting] Charly: Of course, I can't drive in New York any more. Sam: Do you do that often, lie to complete strangers? Charly: No, I lie to people I know too. Charly: Describe her to me. Sam: Who? Charly: The future Mrs. Utah. What's she like? No, let me guess. A little on the stout side, but pleasant, always pleasant. Perpetually aproned, but never ruffled. June Cleaver with a day-planner. Sam: You have no idea what you're talking about. Charly: Come on, Utah. You cannot tell me, sitting there in your highly starched shirt, that you do not dream of tying the knot with some ultra-organized gorgeous woman who just happens to love to cook and sew and cater to your every whim. Ena Riley: If you want to be an artist, you have to take a risk. Find something you don't own completely, something you feel so deeply you can't imagine you could ever possibly paint it. Paint that. Charly: Well, I decided to be fair. We Easterners are noted for our fairness. Sam: Oh, yeah, I've heard about the Salem witch trials. Charly: Not bad, Sam. Stick with me, and I will make you a wit. You're halfway there now. Charly: I've been hoisted up on my own petard. Sam: Oh, that can be painful. I got hit in my petard once playing baseball. Charly: [chuckles] Oh, Sam, what have we done to each other? Sam: Get away from her. You... you New Yorker! Charly: I've been discussing the whole thing with God. We're very close now, He and I. Sam: Oh, really? Charly: I said, "Father, Sam's being a jerk." Sam: And? Charly: He agreed with me, of course. Sam: Of course. Charly: I told Him how you'd broken my heart. He understood about that. "But," I said, "I still love him." Sam: What did He say? Charly: He said I was probably a glutton for punishment, but I suppose I've always known that. Sam: I love you. Charly: You'd better. Charly: That was it. Sam: What? Charly: In a world full of people afraid to believe in anything, it was your wide-eyed, obstinate, happily-ever-after faith - in life, in God, and in me. Charly: It's about shelling peas. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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