爱情泡跳碰 (2001)

  • 美国
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  • 冒险  喜剧  爱情
  • 片       名爱情泡跳碰
  • 上映时间2001年11月09日
  • 导       演 Blair Haye...
  • 剧       情
    天生免疫力不全、必须居住在特殊材质制成的泡泡屋内,才能健康成长的泡泡男吉米(杰克吉兰浩 饰),从小便在母亲的过度呵护下,过着与世隔绝的生活。 个偶然,性感的邻家女孩克萝伊闯入吉米的世界,她的出现不仅让吉米一见锺情、"性"致勃勃,同时也让吉米间接接触了外头的花花...


  • Pushpop: [after hitting a cow] Have you ever been karmically bitch-slapped by a six-armed goddess? [shouts] Pushpop: I'll take that as a no! [while leading a pack of boys chasing the Ice Cream & Curry truck... ] Ice Cream Boy: Ice Cream. Ice Cream. Indian Boy: Curry. Curry. [Addressing a rough-looking Mexican by a broken-down Harley] Jimmy: I might have something that could help your situation here... Slim: [threatening him with knife] What? What you got that's gonna help? Jimmy: Patches. Slim: Patches? I could use some stinking patches. Mrs. Livingston: ...and the prince climbed up Rapunzel's hair to the top of the tower and said, "Come with me, and we'll live happily ever after." Then Rapunzel left her plastic bubble and died. The end. Gil: Yes, the Round One. A holy messenger trapped in a living globe. We must find him and release him so that he will carry us, the only true believer, to the Kingdom of Heaven, while those who reject him will mutate and burn eternally on Planet PX41, and Planet PX42 if they run out of room. Now, if there are no further questions, let's move on to the buffet. Jimmy: I'd rather spend one minute holding you than the rest of my life knowing that I never could. [after killing a cow] Pushpop: I'm coming back as a cock-a-roach. Yes, definitely a cock-a-roach. Dr. Phreak: Mini? Me? I'm not mini. Dr. Phreak: He stole my freaks that son of a bitch. Mrs. Livingston: My. What a potty mouth you have. Dr. Phreak: screw you lady! Mr. Livingston: Kind of makes you wonder... What would have happened if Neil Armstrong had gone all the way to the moon and then never stepped on the surface? Lorraine: Back off, bitch, he's the messiah. Slim: What are you, some kind of Astronaut? Jimmy: No, I'm some kind of bubble boy. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic of which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all... [looks down and says faster] Jimmy: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic of which it stands one nation under God indivisible. Mrs. Livingston: "Dear Mr. and Ms. Livingston, we have kidnapped your son. Give us $100,000 dollars or he dies. Signed, the Jews." Are you kidding? ARE YOU KIDDING? Who in their right mind is going to believe this note Morton? THEY'RE THE JEWS. THEY'RE GOING TO WANT MORE THAN $100,000! Mrs. Livingston: Well, you'll certainly be in my prayers tonight. And I'll be praying you get nut cancer! Jimmy: How far will this get me? bus stop man: Take a step back. [Jimmy steps back] bus stop man: That far. Jimmy: Pappy told me about Poon [bang] Jimmy: , but he never said anything about Poonanny, Pippy. Jimmy: I saw your sign outside it said you had five hundred dollars. Emcee: You want five hundred dolla? Jimmy: Yes I would please like five hundred dollars. Emcee: You want five hundred dolla? Jimmy: Yes I want five hundred dollars. Emcee: You want five hundred dolla? Jimmy: Yes I want five hundred dolla! Emcee: Five hundred dolla! Jimmy: Five hundred dolla! Dr. Phreak: Oh, that's so beautiful. I too was in love once... for 10 minutes! Then I kicked her ass out of the car! Mrs. Livingston: And then Pinocchio came out of his plastic bubble and touched the filthy little whore next door and died. The End! Jimmy: [Laughing] You guys aren't a singing group... you're a cult! Jimmy: Dog poo this is awesome 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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