
  • Lisa's Mom: How do you think this makes me feel? [Long pause] Donny: Mad. Marty: Turn those goddamn lights off, Ali. Derek: I HELPED MOVE THE BODY BECAUSE THAT MAFIA MOTHERFUCKER WAS GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA ME. Donny: You guys need professional help. Donny: Fatalize, what's that?... fatalize... What's fatilize mean... um, I mean... does it mean you're dead? Derek: No Dude, Its worse... I mean... It's way worse bro... Cause you have to live man... you have to live and you're a... fuckin' baby. [Lisa produces a gun] Donny: Holy shit. What the fuck's that for? Lisa: To kill Bobby Kent, remember? Donny: Oh, yeah. Lisa Connelly: The hitman needs a ride. Heather: Is he dead yet? Donny: Getting there. Donny: Shit, I never knew nobody who killed somebody. Alice 'Ali' Willis: Me neither. Heather: Just my grandpa. I never knew him. Yeah. My grandpa was a bad drunk. Really bad. He'd rape anyone dumb enough to walk by his room and one night... he got... um, really pissed at my grandma and he took a claw hammer to her face. And, uh, after that, he just... he locked himself up with her in his room for two whole days and he kept drinking and having sex with her after she was dead. My mom was in the house the whole time. She was only You know, it really messed with her head. After that, she only hung out with guys who beat the hell out of her. And then, when I was little, she'd get drunk and she'd drag me and my brother out of bed at, like, four in the morning and she had all the news clippings about my grandpa and the trial transcriptions and she'd read them over and over again. And I knew every word before kindergarten. I think that's how I learned to read. Alice 'Ali' Willis: You're so hot. Bobby Kent: I'm not hot, baby, I'm just big. Heather: [at the swamp] Are there any alligators in there? Bobby Kent: Why don't you go skinny dipping and find out? Derek Kaufman: Donny? That guys retarded! Lisa: No no, he just gets high a lot, he's just as normal as you and me 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Derek Kaufman 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : That's not saying much... Derek Kaufman: Nature sucks. Bobby Kent: [bumps Bobbys car into a curb] Aw you fuck, you fucked up my fuckin car! Marty: [punches Marty] Watch the fuck out man! You going to make me fuckin wreck! Bobby Kent: [Punches Marty again] You stupid fuck! Marty: Aw! Motherfucker! Bobby Kent: Piece of shit! Marty: Fuck this man! Bobby Kent: [Marty stops the car and walks out] Marty? HEY! Get back in the car! Bobby Kent: You call this going out? Alice 'Ali' Willis: Well, I don't know! Bobby Kent: I call it a fucking blowjob! A damn fine blowjob but a blowjob all the same. Bobby Kent: Damn, I should put you into consideration. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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