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  • Julius Ceasar 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : We have made an enemy, and it would have been much better to have him as a friend. Vercingétorix: You want to fight? You want to live forever? Then I will lead you. Julius Ceasar: I offered to make you a king. Vercingetorix: So now, accept the surrender of a king. Julius Ceasar: When Alexander the Great was ten years younger than I am now, he had control of half of the civilized world. Vercingetorix: When he was as old as you are now, Alexander the great was dead. Julius Ceasar: All the more reason to hurry. Julius Ceasar: I will make you a king, appointed by Rome. Vercingetorix: Why not a king appointed by destiny? Vercingetorix: I come to offer you the glory of your victory, which Rome will forever honor with inscriptions in stone and eternal flames. Julius Ceasar: The light of my victory will make my invisible past failures heavier. Guttuart: He's going where nothing more can be written. The greater the magic, the greater the price that must be paid. Guttuart: King of the Arverians, leader of great warriors, what do you see after this great victory? Vercingetorix: I see all the peoples of Gaul united. Guttart: United? Under the dark desire of revenge? Vercingetorix: No, I want to force Ceasar back on the same road himself built. It's movement which uses the the pretext of the free movement of goods and men to accelerate the orders of the empire, which stangles us to satisfy its ambition. In my father's memory, I will realize the magic he wanted to create: to chase the Germans and Romans out of Gaul. Vercingetorix: You accuse me of treason? Then kill me. Yes, I betrayed Gaul. Yes, I was a coward. Your anger is my anger, at myself. Because I made one mistake: I listened to you. The city had to burn, and would I had done it, the inhabitants would still be alive and the troops of Ceasar famished. But Ceasar made a worse mistake when he ordered the slaughter, which horrifies and revolts my heart, and yours, and the hearts of all Gaul. Now, if you think you've done me a favor by giving me this command, and if you think I am no longer worthy of this honor, I'll hand it back to you right now. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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