Manic (2001)

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  • Sara: You know Calabasas is full of fucking J.A.P.s and daddy's girls. I didn't exactly have the debutante thing goin' on. One day I saw her at McDonalds with the nose job crew. That was before I knew my place, so I sat down. My friend rolls her eyes and she says: 'What, you actually think you're good looking? 'Cause you walk around like you're all hot and you're really not.' Then the whole table started to laugh. And I cried for about three days and then I fuckin' resurrect, you know? I just realized that everyone I knew was fucking full of shit. And that's when I started doing whatever the fuck I wanted and not giving a flying fuck what people thought. So I don't really have any friends. I don't need any. Tracy: We're friends. Sara: [softly] Yeah. Dr. David Monroe: Uh, I'm not gonna give you some bullshit hokey speech and tell you that if you come to some epiphany about your dad you're gonna make a break through and everything's gonna be pizza and blowjobs. Chad: Sex is meaningful. Dr. David Monroe: [disbelief] You've had sex? [group laughs] Chad: I'd rather feel like total shit sometimes, and God the rest of the time, than just like - ok all the time, you know? Fuck mediocrity 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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