
  • Jules Myers: You're going to sue one of the world's biggest insurance companies? Steve Meyers: Well, apparently I wouldn't stand a chance - I'm suin' God. Jules Myers: You know they say people make their own luck. Rebecca: That's stupid! Why would anyone make luck that bad? Steve Meyers: So if God does exist, the Churches must be liable. Anna Redmond: And the churches can only win the case if they prove God does not exist. Steve Meyers: [laughs] Do you want to tell them? Primate: It's a sign. Cardinal: A miracle. Moderator: A winged messenger. Gerry Ryan: It's a f***ing cockatoo! Doctor: Forceps. Pliers. Bone nibblers. Steve Meyers: Bone nibblers? What the hell are bone nibblers? Doctor: You're a very lucky man. Steve Meyers: Oh yes, it's been a brilliant day all round. Why don't you have a look at my prostate while you've got the bone nibblers handy. Rabbi: [after the lights in the court room flicker ominously, one of the stainglass windows shatters and a white bird,which we assume to be a dove, flies into the room, lands on the table and suddenly a yellow crest springs up] IT'S A FUCKING COCKATOO! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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