法律与秩序:犯罪意图 (2001)

  • 美国
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  • 犯罪  灾难
  • 片       名法律与秩序:犯罪意图
  • 上映时间2002年01月31日(以色列)
  • 导       演 Frank Prin...Jean de Se...


  • [Opening title narration] Narrator: In New York City's war on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad. These are their stories. ADA Ron Carver: Your client's not insane... he's in love. Maybe it's hard to tell the two apart, but the law can. Detective Robert Goren: No, no, no, I know that anger. I should have seen it coming. Detective Alexandra Eames: You two have a play date? Detective Alexandra Eames: So the victim came into this cubicle, hung her bag on the hook and then the suspect came in. Detective Robert Goren: No, I think she put her bag on the floor. Otherwise the suspect could've just reached over the door and grabbed it. Detective Alexandra Eames: No. She put it on the hook. Detective Robert Goren: Oh, I get it. A girl thing. [to Goren, after meeting an unusual witness] Detective Alexandra Eames: I didn't know you had an older, geekier brother. Detective Robert Goren: One thing this line of work teaches us is that guys will do anything for love. [referring to notes on Goren's desk] Detective Alexandra Eames: Admirers? Detective Robert Goren: No, reporters. They want a comment. Detective Alexandra Eames: Can they print a hand gesture? [Eames, while examining a recently discovered, 20 year old partly decomposed corpse, realizes the victim was wearing a very rare mini skirt] Detective Robert Goren: You wore one of those? Detective Alexandra Eames: Looked good in it, too. Detective Robert Goren: Yeah, he's crazy but you're evil. Captain James Deakins: A name with no horse... [Eames mentions dating and the other detectives stare at her] Detective Alexandra Eames: Well, what was I supposed to do when I was pregnant? Sit home and knit? Detective Alexandra Eames: [hearing a description of a suspect] Well, that fits our profile. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Bobby stops and stares at her] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Detective Alexandra Eames: I only pretend not to listen to you. Detective Alexandra Eames: [viewing a body in the back of a car going to the airport] Maybe this beats economy. Detective Robert Goren: [after looking through a PDA calendar for 2001] Someone is passing off human plasma as synthetic. ADA Ron Carver: What did you find out about the embassy in Bangkok? Detective Alexandra Eames: They have lovely fax cover sheets... Detective Robert Goren: [after listening to a drug company doctor deny knowledge of bad blood products] Doctor tell me something. When you decide to dump this stuff what do you do, flip a coin? Heads Asia, tails Africa? Detective Alexandra Eames: Bad news comes in all packages. Detective Robert Goren: You cut a human being in half, Brian [Eric] Detective Robert Goren: . How good does that make you? Detective Alexandra Eames: [Eames and Goren find a briefcase in a trashcan. Eames wants to call the bomb squad; Goren sees an ID on the briefcase and grabs it, which scares the hell out of Eames] It's good to be back. District Attorney Arthur Branch: An arrest warrant for Judge Harold Garrett... Hot-tub Harry. ADA Ron Carver: The circumstantial evidence and the statement from his son. District Attorney Arthur Branch: Ah, This won't do... [Tears the arrest warrant] District Attorney Arthur Branch: At all. ADA Ron Carver: Arthur? District Attorney Arthur Branch: Arresting a judge for murder on an election year... is not peanuts. If the District Attorney is going to arrest a sitting judge of the Supreme Court of New York. [Signs the new arrest warrant] District Attorney Arthur Branch: The signature of the District Attorney damn well better be on that warrant. Arthur Branch, Esquire. [Handles the arrest warrant to ADA Carver] District Attorney Arthur Branch: That would be worth two points on Election Day. It's not enough to do good... You gotta be seeing doing good. M.E. Rodgers: Your Miss Wallace must have had her claws dug in pretty good. Her trachea's crushed. When she hit the water she didn't have a chance. Detective Alexandra Eames: And the blood in the room? M.E. Rodgers: It all matched for what we have on file for Wallace. We estimate it was a little under a quart. There's no way Wallace could survive in the river after losing that much blood. Detective Alexandra Eames: I guess we'll be seeing her in someone's tuna net one of these days. Detective Robert Goren: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • How long do you think it would have taken for Nicole to collect a quart of her own blood? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Detective Alexandra Eames: If the blood was a set-up, why wouldn't Ella say something about it when she saw it all over the room? Detective Robert Goren: Maybe she was in on it. Maybe we never turned her. Detective Alexandra Eames: And she had to learn the hard way. Detective Robert Goren: It's just a thought. [looking at a dead man in subway] Detective Alexandra Eames: A disposable partner; who would have thought? Nicole Wallace: The greatest detectives in the world - you have to wonder about people who need such positive reinforcement. [Nicole looking at Goren] Nicole Wallace: I missed you at the reading of the verdict. Then again, it wasn't one of your best moments. Detective Robert Goren: Well... [flustered] Detective Robert Goren: ...none of us have been at our best lately. You've gone from multi-millionaire to street urchin. Nicole Wallace: It's a step up from Gavin, believe me. Detective Alexandra Eames: Well, at least you're not calling yourself Elizabeth Hitchens anymore. Nicole Wallace: Well, if you can't beat them... I meant to tell you, detective, you looked RADIANT when you took the stand at my trial. Detective Alexandra Eames: Speaking of cradles, looks like you robbed one. Detective Robert Goren: You're uh, looking for her, huh? You worried that you didn't inoculate her thoroughly enough against our tricks? Nicole Wallace: She has a natural immunity to pathological liars. Detective Robert Goren: Well, uh, I've never seen you so agitated. Nicole Wallace: It must be all the pleasant memories this place brings back. Detective Alexandra Eames: When tourists take a bite of the Big Apple, the apple isn't supposed to bite back. Nicole Wallace: I didn't come here to engage you. I want... I want a truce Bobby. Detective Robert Goren: A truce? Nicole Wallace: Notwithstanding your unrelenting pursuit of evil. Detective Robert Goren: Evil, Nicole, is also unrelenting in its pursuits. Detective Alexandra Eames: She asked for a truce. Captain James Deakins: Well, at least she hasn't lost her sense of humor. [looking at Goren with exasperation] Nicole Wallace: Trespassing? Next thing you'll be handing out parking tickets. [Nicole is seated across from Eames and Goren] Detective Robert Goren: That's Nicole's maternal instinct rearing its little head. Detective Alexandra Eames: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You can't deny those feelings even if you can't have kids of your own. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Nicole Wallace: Yes thank you. Not all of us can be blessed like you with eggs ripe and ready for hire. [poking fun at Eames for having her sisters baby] Nicole Wallace: Tell me, did your sister let you keep the sonograms so you'd have something to cuddle up with at night? [angrily to Nicole Wallace] Detective Alexandra Eames: I see my nephew three times a week. Being pregnant was a great experience, Nicole. Consider yourself robbed. Detective Robert Goren: So is that what this girl's for? To offer you a chance to exercise your maternal yearnings? Nicole Wallace: And why not? Adopting Asian children is all the rage, Bobby; they're practically fashion accessories. Captain James Deakins: [referring to a related murder case in another precinct] I'd say they put in about 2 hours' work and called it quits. Detective Alexandra Eames: Maybe because they had about 2,000 other homicides to solve that day. Detective Robert Goren: [opening up a container of very nasty smelling cheese] That's 'rogetta'. Detective Alexandra Eames: You can tell that just from the smell? Detective Robert Goren: Label. Detective Robert Goren: [entering a warehouse with a strong coffee smell] Do you smell it? Detective Alexandra Eames: I'm getting a caffeine buzz just breathing it in. Detective Alexandra Eames: [after reading an article by a lawyer killed by a hitman] Sounds like Old MacDonald rubbed some people the wrong way. Captain James Deakins: [referring to a case of mistaken identity] They wacked the wrong lawyer. Detective Alexandra Eames: [watching Goren playing with the skull of a corpse] You keep doing that, I'm gonna drop this kid right here. ADA Ron Carver: I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You have an offended mobster and his son. A case of mistaken identity. An incompetent hitman. A hitman's widow. A hitman's missing sister. A corrupt cop. And now another dead killer. It's operatic. Detective Alexandra Eames: [listening to a self-defense story] Self-defense works for me. Detective Robert Goren: Sweet isn't it? Revenge. Captain James Deakins: [referring to a cop being taken away] So much for passing out brains with those gold shields. [after viewing their dead suspect who is a fashion photographer] Detective Alexandra Eames: As murders go, it's pretty flashy. ADA Ron Carver: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [after helping the detectives get a confession out of a woman conducting brain research] So she had the lesion and she committed murder. Doesn't that prove Dr. Buckman's theory? Detective Robert Goren: She wasn't driven to kill out of rage, she chose to kill out of love. ADA Ron Carver: Love? Detective Robert Goren: It's a many-splendored thing. Detective Robert Goren: Cat got your tongue? [indicating one of several body parts in the anatomy lab] Detective Robert Goren: Because there's an extra one here. Mr. Smythe: Four counts of manslaughter. That's what I get for overestimating the intelligence of a grand jury. Detective Alexandra Eames: Just be grateful the D.A. let you off with a plea bargain. Mr. Smythe: I don't consider shutting down my website a bargain. All right, Joanie and Chachi, right? This is the last chat I have for them. Detective Alexandra Eames: Thank you, you can go do your little dance in Hell now. Detective Alexandra Eames: she got her hands on this, why she didn't run... Detective Robert Goren: it wasn't about that, it was about him Detective Alexandra Eames: men come and go, but diamonds... Detective Robert Goren: diamonds don't keep you warm at night Captain James Deakins: Great, the Goren Show's back in town Detective Robert Goren: Boo! Made ya look! Detective Robert Goren: When I met you, you wanted me to see who you truly were - how smart, how funny, how charming you were. You wanted me to see you, Nicole, the sparkling little girl who survived a horrible abuse with her wits intact. Nicole Wallace: Got carried off by dingoes. It happens a lot in Australia. Detective Alexandra Eames: He'll get over it... just like Peter Bonham ADA Ron Carver: is it cult? mind control? Detective Robert Goren: yes Detective Alexandra Eames: no ADA Ron Carver: how reassuring Detective Robert Goren: they use the same psychological coercion as cults Detective Alexandra Eames: so did the guy who sold me my car. no one forced those people to stay last night Detective Alexandra Eames: You should see me in a blue dress. Detective Alexandra Eames: In this neighborhood, the Neighborhood Watch watches the cops. Nicole Wallace: Keep your hands on deck. We don't want you playing with your pistol under the table. Detective Alexandra Eames: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • If he wanted to get in Laurette's head, he should have known more blondes. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Captain James Deakins: His life sounds like a Graham Greene novel Detective Alexandra Eames: When I was a kid, I used to dream about living on a horse farm. Detective Robert Goren: That's a nice dream - for a horse Detective Robert Goren: Well, she didn't believe in heaven and hell, so how would she know the devil was massaging her neck? Detective Alexandra Eames: We have that Ukrainian politician to thank for that. Detective G. Lynn Bishop: If it's all right, I'd like to go with you. Detective Alexandra Eames: [Eames is pregnant] Sure, you can carry me up the stairs. Detective G. Lynn Bishop: He killed her over a toy boat? Detective Robert Goren: You know men, they get very attached to toys. Detective Robert Goren: So you're not that special... Welcome to the human race! Detective Robert Goren: So that's what revenge tastes like - a mouthful of ash. Detective Robert Goren: [to Nicole Wallace] You use sex as an exercise in self-hatred. Detective Robert Goren: Come on, you're a small guy. What size shoe do you wear? [throws his leg up on the table] Detective Robert Goren: I wear a [stands up and peers under the table] Detective Robert Goren: You look like a 9, or... what, like an 8? Henry Talbott: I'm an... [waves his hands around] Henry Talbott: Oh, God, why am I even, I don't want to talk to you about this! Don't drag me into this! Detective Robert Goren: Ah! You've got small hands, too! Detective Alexandra Eames: What is that? Detective Robert Goren: Fish scale. Detective Alexandra Eames: Great, she was attacked by a shark. Detective Robert Goren: Sharks don't have scales. Detective Alexandra Eames: [rolls eyes] [Goren and Logan, dressed in similar dark suits, leave to interview a witness; Eames and Barak watch them go] Detective Alexandra Eames: There they go. Ocean's Two. Detective Alexandra Eames: Sex fiend and a bully, politics is a perfect place for him. Detective Mike Logan: You want fun? Date a cop. Detective Robert Goren: Wait, you can't leave now that the cat's out of the bag! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Detective Alexandra Eames 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : A divorce lawyer - the gift that keeps on giving. Detective Robert Goren: [searching the apartment of a murdered Russian writer] She has legal pads filled with her handwriting. She still wrote in Russian. Detective Alexandra Eames: Don't tell me you speak Russian. [Bobby turns and stares at her blankly] Detective Alexandra Eames: Oh, brother. Detective Alexandra Eames: [seeing Goren reading a book written by a suspect] What are you doing, underlining the dirty parts? Detective Robert Goren: These quick-release knots are really... quick. Detective Robert Goren: What's this here? It's a trans-dermal patch. M.E. Rodgers: Could be a pain killer or nicotine patch. Detective Alexandra Eames: To bad it wasn't a 'learn to swim' patch. Detective Robert Goren: You know I find paranoid schizophrenics make excellent witnesses. Detective Robert Goren: [holding up two pickles] We're very good at connecting the dots. Detective Alexandra Eames: [to Goren] The way she was making googly eyes at you I thought you were getting through to her. Detective Robert Goren: Woohoo! Steamy! ADA Ron Carver: [Goren is betting Carver 10-1 that a murderer will kill again] 10-1? Detective Alexandra Eames: I've taken him on before, Mr. Carver. I'm down eighteen bucks. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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