
  • Shannon: Wait. I just thought of something. Frances: What? Shannon: You're a woman. Frances: ...Yeah. Shannon: Guys like that won't take orders from women. They just pulled off a multi-million pound bank robbery and some woman rings them up asking for 300,000 pounds? I don't think they're gonna take you seriously. Frances: It's the 21st century. Women are doing every kind of job. We can do extortion. Shannon: What are you trying to do? Raise their consciousness or get the money? Frances: Ideally, both. Danny: Where'd you get this number? Frances: I looked it up in the book, under 'D' for dickhead. Frances: 300 grand or the cops'll be on ya like a ton of... cops... Shannon: Bricks. Frances: ...bricks. Frances: Listen Danny. We know ya done that bank job... We want 300 grand or... or what? Or I don't get my Mercedes? Frances: We'll have them bury it in the sand pit. Shannon: No sand. Got stolen. Frances: Someone stole the sand? That is just sick. Frances: What are you doing? You're supposed to be the good cop. Shannon: Well I'd like to be the bad cop. Frances: There can't be two bad cops, it doesn't work. Clubber: How 'bout a shag? Frances: How about a punch in the mouth? Kerrigan: So, you're just going to pay? Have you gone completely Tonto? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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