
  • Vin: Do you have any idea how much those drugs cost? Amy: There'll be other drugs, Vincent. Vin: I know... but, I really liked those ones. Vince: What you think I'm a dick? Jon: Uh, no. But I do know that occasionally you have a tendency to act in a phallic fashion. Jon: She's probably scared. Vin: Oh god, of *what*? I never threatened her! Jon: ...You sometimes present a threatening appearance. Vin: Dude... we have been going together for three years. Jon: So what? Vin: So... I mean, you'd think she would be used to it by now. Jon: Since when are you all high and mighty? Vin: I'm not high and mighty. I'm too high to be high and mighty. Amy: People change. They end up having nothing to say to each other even if they were best friends years before. Jon: Thanks, Vince. Vince: [confused] What? Jon: Thanks. Vince: For what? Jon: For all your *honesty*. Jon: What's up man? Vince: Oh, nothin' much. Jon: You're not dressed. Vince: Lay off. Jon: Not that I don't like it ... Vince: What? Jon: Nothing. Vince: So? Jon: So nothing. Vince: Okay. Jon: Okay. Amy: You can always get more drugs, Vin. Vin: Yeah, but I liked THOSE drugs! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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