Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story (2000)

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Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story
  • 片       名Anne of Green G...
  • 上映时间2000年03月05日(加拿大)
  • 导       演 Stefan Sca...


  • Anne Shirley: I've made up my mind to go to my grave unwept, unhonored and unsung. Gilbert Blythe: But not unpublished. Gilbert Blythe: You know, every day I would pick a different memory of you and play it over and over and over again in my mind, until every hair, every freckle, every part of you was exactly as I remembered. Anne Shirley: But I keep thinking, if he was really dead, surely I would know that in my heart. I would feel a terrible... emptiness. Gilbert Blythe: Marry me now. Let me go. Anne Shirley: Everything I ever loved gets taken away. Diana Barry Wright: You do what the rest of us only dream of doing, Anne. [Anne sees Gilbert and runs to meet him, but falls flat on her face] Gilbert Blythe: Are you alright? Nothing broken or bent I hope. Anne Shirley: [laughing] Only my pride. Oh, Gil, help me up. I'm purely blind and a fool to boot! Oh, if I were blind, I should never forget the contours of your face. Why didn't you let me know? Gilbert Blythe: Well, I wanted to see you face to face. I have something to ask you. Anne Shirley: I do. [kisses Gilbert] Gilbert Blythe: Let's go take a walk down the lane! [kiss each other again] Jack Garrison Jr.: No, true success requires passion and a vision. Not just dollars and sense, Mr. Owen. Jack Garrison Jr.: You're going about it all topsy-turvy. You must absolutely always start with a firm premise and a solid ending. Jack Garrison Jr.: Aim much higher creatively, if you want my opinion, Miss Shirley. Anne Shirley: This is the most loving and generous thing anyone has ever done for me! It makes up for every unfulfilled dream I've ever contemplated! Anne Shirley: What are you doing here? Jack Garrison Jr.: I've been working as a war correspondent back and forth between London and Belgium for a year. Anne Shirley: Putting the name Jack Garrison to good use? Jack Garrison Jr.: Hasn't hurt. American papers love the sensation. Anne Shirley: I'm sure they do. Anne Shirley: [reading aloud to herself] 'Forever Into Eternity' by Anne Shirley. Jack Garrison Jr.: You'll jinx yourself with titles like that, Miss Shirley. [startles Anne] Jack Garrison Jr.: Oh, don't be embarrassed. Half the people in this building are writing books on their lunch hour. Anne Shirley: Y-y-you are, aren't you? Jack Garrison Jr.: Jack Garrison. Anne Shirley: It's a pleasure to meet you. All Mr.Owen ever talks about is your latest manuscript. 'Real page turner' according to him. Jack Garrison Jr.: That's one way of putting it seeing he hasn't even seen it yet. Would you pass this material on to Mr. Owen. It's the story outline of my latest book according to the terms of my contract. Anne Shirley: Certainly. Jack Garrison Jr.: My lawyer will be following up before I go to draft. [pause] Jack Garrison Jr.: You know, I have a moment. Why don't you tell me about your story. Maybe I can help you come up with a decent title. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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