
  • [Travis drawing in a cafe] Jones: Travis. Travis: Jones, I was just um, Jones: Travis we gotta tell someone, you and me, I cant do this on my own. Travis: Maybe it'll just blow over Jones: It's not gonna blow over, if we don't tell someone... Travis: [hits the table angrily] You wanna turn on Derrick? After everything he's done for you? You are nothing without him, you know that? That's pathetic! Derrick: You were thinking, Oh my God, I can't believe I got raped by my boyfriend AGAIN! Only you didn't know that both times it was me. Derrick: Nice people don't live life. I don't wanna go through all my days being all sweet and polite and then realize, when I'm 80, that I'm just some nice dead person. Derrick: My friend, the sea is wide; there are many fish. Many, many fish. Jones: Well, will wonders never cease? Derrick Webb tells the truth. Derrick: What are they gonna say? Travis: It's just words. Travis: I'm just kind of having a little dialogue with gravity. Jones: Derrick, Travis has a gun. Derrick: [with a gun to his head] Thanks for the news flash. Jones: I wonder who she thinks you are. Travis: I don't know, but I bet he gets laid a lot. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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