爱、荣誉和服从 (2001)

  • 英国
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  • 喜剧  犯罪


  • Jude: Shut up a minute, Jonny. Listen to me. Don't ever, ever, interrupt me in that situation again. No one cares what you have to think or say in that situation. If Ray had been here he'd rip your head off, mate. Jonny: I know, I just thought... Jude: No, no nothing. I'm Ray's relative. I speak for Ray in that situation. You don't offer a word, okay? Jonny: [handing Jude a gun] Here. Jude: Is that for me? Jonny: Yeah. It's loaded, be careful. Jude: Are we going to tool up? Jonny: Yeah. I'll show you how to use it on the way down. Don't point it at anyone you like, all right? Sadie: [looks at the jewelry box Ray gives her] What's this? Ray: It's a present. Sadie: [opens the box and sees the ring] Baby! What are you trying to say? Ray: Well, what do you think I'm trying to say? Sadie: Come on, say it. Ray: Yes or no? Sadie: Oi! Do you want me to marry you? Say it. Come on. Ray: Yes or no? Sadie: What do you mean yes or no? Are you asking me to marry you? Ray: Yes or no? Jonny: Jude explained it wasn't an act of cruelty, it was an act of discipline. When I pulled those wings off I knew he was right. He showed me you could gain strength through violence and with power and control you could do anything. Fat Alan: That's all very well, Jon, but a blade ain't a really effective weapon when you're up against someone who is trained in several different kinds of martial arts. No really, mate, these hands are like deadly weapons. I can protect myself. Come on, go for it. Stab me in the side. [the others laugh] Jonny: Why would I wanna do that? [he stabs him] Fat Alan: He stabbed me! [the gang laughs harder] Fat Alan: He stabbed me in the guts! Ray: Look at his face! Jonny: I'm sorry, Bruce. Fat Alan: Shall I leave it in or take it out? Ray: Leave it in and go out! Matthew: Enter the fuckin' dragon! Matthew: You fucking Anglo-Saxon! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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