
  • Pierre Delacroix: Feed the idiot box. Feed the idiot box. Dunwitty: Sorry I'm late. I had trouble catching a cab. Pierre Delacroix: Perhaps they thought you were Danny Glover. Pierre Delacroix: I don't want to have anything to do, with anything black, for at least a week Womack: You ain't seen no niggers on the fiddle. No niggers on the fiddle like this. You ain't seen no niggers on the fiddle no niggers on the fiddle like this. Honeycutt: Niggas is a beautiful thang. Sloan Hopkins: I want you to look at this shit. Look to what you contributed to! Pierre Delacroix: As I bled to death, as my very life oozed out of me, all I could think of was something the great Negro James Baldwin had written. "People pay for what they do, and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become, and they pay for it, very simply, by the lives they lead." Pierre Delacroix: The mission was accomplished. All of these people left the room thinking they would have real input. I was writing this pilot alone. Myself. Me. Moi. Myrna Goldfarb: I happen to have a Master's degree in African-American studies. Pierre Delacroix: So you fucked a nigger in college. Pierre Delacroix: Yes continue, great niggerologist. Pierre Delacroix: Me? Dunwitty: Yes you. Pierre Delacroix: Me? Dunwitty: Yes you. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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