"Resurrection Blvd." (2000)

  • 美国
"Resurrection Blvd."
  • 片       名"Resurrecti...
  • 上映时间2000年06月26日(美国)
  • 导       演 John Behri...Jesús...


  • Tommy Corrales: I don't know what's worse about being gay... Not being able to talk to my father, or *having* to talk to my mother about what handbag goes with her shoes. Victoria Santiago: [comes home drunk] Are you calling me a whore? Ruben Santiago: You're acting like one! Carlos Santiago: You raised me to be a boxer. And that's what I am. Victoria Santiago: Stay with me. Vicky's older boyfriend: I've got to go to work. Victoria Santiago: I'll write you a note. Vicky's older boyfriend: You have school. Victoria Santiago: You write me one. [smiles] Vicky's older boyfriend: I can't. Victoria Santiago: [takes off bra, wearing just panties] O-k... Vicky's older boyfriend: [smiles and kisses her] Maybe I can stay a while. Yolanda: He's innocent. I know he is. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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