寻找阿拉布兰蒂 (2000)

  • 澳大利亚
  • 片       名寻找阿拉布兰蒂
  • 上映时间2000年05月04日
  • 导       演 Kate Woods
  • 又       名寻找阿拉布兰蒂 Looking for Alibrand...
  • 编       剧 Melina Mar...
  • 剧       情
      本片是由澳洲青少年名着同名改编,广受澳洲人喜爱,并被列为「图书馆失窃率最高」的一本小说。书中充满爱与温暖,而少女乔希的挣扎与摸索,更是青少年共同拥有的成长图骥与普世价值,让人产生共鸣。      乔希阿拉布兰蒂从小生长在和乐融洽的母系单亲家庭里。祖母是义大...


  • Josie Alibrandi: Dear Guiness Book of Records: I've just been out on a ten minute date. Is that a record? [Before getting on a motorbike] Jacob Coote: You ready? Josie Alibrandi: Just let me check my bag for ID. I don't want to be named Jane Doe at the morgue. Josie Alibrandi: I swear, the phone companies'd go broke if it weren't for the Italians! John Barton: If I could be anything but what I am, I would be tomorrow. If I could be what my father wants me to be, then maybe I could stay for that, too. If I could be what you want me to be, I'd want to stay. But I am what I am, and all I want is freedom. Christina Alibrandi: I wonder what I did to deserve you. Josie Alibrandi: Would you like me to refresh your memory? Jacob Coote: You get into punch-ups with other girls, you wipe your nose with your sleeve... you're my kind of chick. Why are we such a disaster together? Jacob Coote: Do you want to go out with me? Josie Alibrandi: You'd have to meet my mother. Jacob Coote: I don't meet mothers. Josie Alibrandi: Well, I don't go out with guys who don't meet mothers. Jacob Coote: All right, forget it, it was a stupid idea anyway. John Barton: I'm joining the Young Libs. Josie Alibrandi: I didn't know you were political. John Barton: My father's into job security. Josie Alibrandi: What? Being the leader of the Liberal party? Christina Alibrandi: Now! This very minute! This very second! Josie Alibrandi: Are you sure you don't mean in an hour? Josie Alibrandi: I have the dubious honour of being Vice-Captain, which is kind of like being runner-up at the Miss Universe beauty pageant. I get to take over if Miss St Martha's becomes ill or gets involved in a sex scandal. Jacob Coote: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Two things happened to me yesterday. The first was I received all this shit about voting for the first time, which I chucked in the bin, cos I reckon all politicians are a bunch of dickheads. And the other thing was my old man was watching a documentary about insects rooting on fig leaves, so I caught the end of the world news. And I saw this guy who was being chased by his own government, and I didn't understand anything about it except that he was wearing a Nick Cave t-shirt. And then I wondered how a guy my age, with my taste in music, had gotten himself into a situation where his own government was trying to have him shot, just because he had something to say. And I realised I'm lucky because in this country, I can rant and rave and call the Prime Minister a dickhead without the army coming in and shooting me, and stopping you all from listening. And I figured that in this country, we don't vote to keep the best party in - cos there's no such thing - but we vote to keep the worst party out. Because I don't want to end up being watched by some bloke at the other end of the world who thinks that this can't happen to him. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Josie Alibrandi: Wait, my father's a barrister, Carly Bishop: She's lying! She doesn't have a father! Josie Alibrandi: Yeah, that's right. And I'm the immaculate conception and my mother's the Virgin Mary! Of course I have a father! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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