"Monarch of the Glen" (2001)

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  • 喜剧  爱情
"Monarch of the Glen"


  • Duncan: I thought about joining the force myself, you know, when I was younger. Detective Constable West: What stopped you? Duncan: My mother. She said there was already enough disgrace in the family. Maureen: He's returned. Katrina: Who, Maureen? The Jedi, Jesus Christ, Elvis Presley? Lexie: [takes away Hector's plate] Enjoy that did you Hector? Hector Naismith MacDonald: It smells of wet dog. Lexie: And I love you too. Lexie: You've got visitors. Archie MacDonald: Well who is it? Lexie: [talking about Katrina and the school kids] Julie Andrews and the Von Trapp Family! Duncan: And he agrees I don't belong here. Reckons I should move to Glasgow, find myself. Lexie: What if you're not there when you get there? Katrina: [wondering why the jobless aren't at the polling station] Most of them are working today. Alan Smythe: They're unemployed. Katrina: When you get back I want to talk to you about your responsiblites as a landlord. I've just been to see some of your propeties and they're in a terrible state. Archie MacDonald: Great! Another coversation to look forward to. Archie MacDonald: Glenbogle Spring Water - the taste of the Highlands. I can't believe I didn't think of this before, people will pay good money for pure water. We start off by selling to restaurants then release it in a few selected chains, build a reputation, go national. We could even take on Europe. Katrina: Easy Adolf! Archie MacDonald: [after he finds out his sister Lizzie is coming to stay] Well, write back, tell her we've moved to Australia. Lexie: [answers the phone] Glenbogle refuge for new age dropouts. Mr. Slurpy: You've ruined my strawberry surprise. It's full of dust and grass. Lexie: Well, it wouldn't be full of strawberries then. Katrina: If you're still looking for a plant I know one which is going cheap. Archie MacDonald: Where? Katrina: Put it this way - what's in it for me. Archie MacDonald: Katrina where? Tell me. Katrina: Might do. Archie MacDonald: No seriously. Katrina: Ask nicely. Archie MacDonald: Katrina, will you just tell me? Katrina: Oh, getting desperate now! Molly MacDonald: I think you're giving away the bride, but not in that jumper. Archie MacDonald: Where are you going? Lexie: I'm just gonna help my mum pack. Archie MacDonald: Do you want some help? Lexie: No. I'm just gonna chuck her clothes out of the window! Archie MacDonald: [Lexie is putting some food in the oven] If you're sticking your head in there Lex, move over. Lexie: There's no point - it isn't gas! Katrina: I think you deserve a reward. Fergal MacClure: Ahh, and what did you have in mind? Katrina: [they laugh] Hmmm, coffee? Fergal MacClure: Well, I've got a million things to do. You can thank me another time - without MI5 observing us. [Katrina turns round to see 20 of her school children watching them pair] Archie MacDonald: I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but, I am going to go to my room and I shall emerge sometime after my 70th birthday! Molly MacDonald: Do you need a hand? Lexie: I need several! Lizzie MacDonald: [referring to Katrina going to New Zealand] Well she won't be much use as a godmother if she's on the other side of the world, will she? Archie MacDonald: No, she won't. Lizzie MacDonald: Well then...? Lexie: Not you as well, she flutters her eyelashes and you're blown away! Duncan: Why not? It's always worked with you. Archie MacDonald: [visiting Golly in a police cell] Lexie made this for you. [He unveils a cake] Golly Mackenzie: Is there a file in it? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Archie MacDonald 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Hmm, hard to tell. Hector Naismith MacDonald: What do you think pulled me into the water? A missing Soviet submarine? Lord Angus Errol Sharon Kilwillie: I'm devoting every possible brain particle to it! Hector Naismith MacDonald: Oh, very reassuring! Molly MacDonald: Duncan has a problem. Lexie: Just the one? Molly MacDonald: Dear Marie-Helene seems confussed to what it is that Duncan actually does. Lexie: Well, that's no surprise. Half the time Duncan's confussed to about what he actually does. Archie MacDonald: You want me to do Duncan's job, and Duncan to do mine? Molly MacDonald: Very good dear, it would have taken me hours to explain something like that to your father. Marie-Helene: Where's the Ferrari? Duncan: Um, the Ferrari's got a burst thingy. Lexie: Yeah, yeah, it does that all the time, bursts it thingy. Duncan: It's more than that, I've never met anyone like her. Lexie: What, French you mean? Duncan: No, I mean beautiful and kind and funny. Lexie: Oh, thanks! Lexie: Here, tele-message for you. Duncan: You opened it! Lexie: Thought I'd save you the bother. Lexie: Come on, you're a free woman now. Stella Moon: So why would I want a man? It's taken me years to get rid of the first one! Archie MacDonald: [Archie is hanging up a portrait of Hector on the wall] Is he straight? Molly MacDonald: As much as he ever was. Molly MacDonald: [the fire alarm goes off] Is there a fire? Archie MacDonald: No, just another one of his safety tests. Molly MacDonald: [starts to follow Archie up the stairs] Oh, um Archie... Archie MacDonald: Mother, you've got to leave the house. Molly MacDonald: But you said there wasn't a fire. Archie MacDonald: Okay, the house is in flames, you're going to be burnt to a frazzle. Molly MacDonald: Oh, why didn't you tell me dear? You know how panicked I get. [she runs around the house madly to try and find things to save] Archie MacDonald: What, do you think I'm crazy? Mr. Barr: No more than anyone else round here. Golly Mackenzie: [Waiting for Lexie to turn up at the 1st wedding] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Let's face it Archie, she always had a tendancy to over-cook things. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Archie MacDonald: It's just, I've been thinking. Lexie: Arch, I wish you wouldn't do that! Lexie: [referring to Stella] She says, "jump." [referring to Archie] Lexie: And he says, "How high?" Ewan Brodie: Check that bread out, Paul, local supplier wants to start again. Paul Bowman-MacDonald: [Paul attempts to cut the burnt, hard, black bread] We used to drive tanks made out of this! Ewan Brodie: Makes sense to buy from a local! [Paul chucks the bread in the bin] Donald Ulyses MacDonald: I'm being held against my will! It's the front of my human rights! Paul Bowman-MacDonald: I think you'll find you sacrificed those when you got in the Guinness World Book of Records for the most driving offences ever! PC Callum McIntyre: December 23rd of that year, exceeding speed limit at 82 miles per hour in Park Lane, London. Donald Ulyses MacDonald: One should not be late for luncheon at the palace! PC Callum McIntyre: The following day, Christmas Eve, ignoring police traffic signs relating to a one-way street. Donald Ulyses MacDonald: I was only going one way dammit! PC Callum McIntyre: Which brings us onto January 1st, Prince's Street, Edinburgh. Driving in excess of the legal speed limit whilst playing the bagpipes! Donald Ulyses MacDonald: It was Hogmanay! Donald Ulyses MacDonald: I do have a way with the ladies, Lexie! It's my burden! Molly MacDonald: Listen, mush! I can boogie with the best, dance 'til dawn and drink 'til doomsday! So don't give me this old routine! Or I shall give you an injury from which you may never recover! Donald Ulyses MacDonald: [referring to Molly's 60th birthday party] I will help in any capacity. Perhaps I could help with the car parking? Paul Bowman-MacDonald: Great idea, Uncle! And we can put King Herod in charge of the creche! Lexie MacDonald: Amanda. You're here early. Amanda MacLeish: Actually I never left. Lexie MacDonald: Shouldn't you be away executing somebody? Amanda MacLeish: I'll go polish my axe! Lady Dorothy Trumpington-Bonnet: Didn't you know? Amanda is married to a businessman twice her age who spends most of his time in the South of France. Amanda MacLeish: Do you have a problem with me being here? Lexie MacDonald: No. Amanda MacLeish: Good. Lexie MacDonald: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • But I think your husband might. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Amanda MacLeish: You want a homely little life with a homely little wife... you don't want me at all, you want someone like... Lexie. Lexie MacDonald: Why do they all have to leave me? First my dad, and then Archie, and then my Dad again... Paul Bowman: Archie didn't run off, Lexie. Lexie MacDonald: But then where is he? Why hasn't he even phoned me? Why hasn't he called? Paul Bowman: I don't know. I don't know what he's chasing after when he's got you here. All my life I've been looking for a home and now I've found Glenbogle. I'm not going anywhere. I'd never leave you [stops himself] Paul Bowman: I'd never leave this place. Paul Bowman: We kissed! Lexie MacDonald: So? Paul Bowman: You try to tell me it didn't mean anything? Lexie MacDonald: No. Happy now? Paul Bowman: I don't want you to go. Not like this. Not because of me. Lexie MacDonald: I'm not leaving because of you. I'm leaving because I'm married to your brother. Paul Bowman: New Zealand is Archie's dream. Not yours. What is it you really want, Lexie? Paul Bowman: What if you weren't married to Archie? Amanda MacLeish: Have dinner with me and I'll show you the figures. Isobel Anderson: I'm more of a Highlander than you'll ever be, Mr. Bowman. Isobel Anderson: So, you work for the new laird? Paul Bowman: Yeah, you could say that. Isobel Anderson: Tell me, is he a total moron, or does he just not care about what happens on his estate? Paul Bowman: On the contrary, he's extremely intelligent and damned good looking as well, but that's just my opinion. Isobel Anderson: It's you, isn't it? You're the new laird MacDonald? Isobel Anderson: You don't know what it is to let your hair down, do you? Paul Bowman: Don't I? Isobel Anderson: Well, when was the last time you went for something you really wanted and not something you had to? [Paul kisses Isobel] Paul Bowman: I'd better go... Paul Bowman: Never had you down as a team player, Isobel. Isobel Anderson: I could be, with the right person. [Paul passes Isobel a flask, their fingers touch] Paul Bowman: And who might that be? Isobel Anderson: I once thought you and I, maybe. Bit late for that now, I suppose. [Lucy walks in and interrupts them] Paul Bowman: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You gave Donald the questions? Why? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Lucy Ford: Because I didn't want you to be laird. I thought that if you weren't, we'd have a chance... er, it's complicated. Paul Bowman: Not for me, it wasn't. You knew what this meant to me, Lucy. Lucy Ford: I did it because I love you, and I wanted us to be together. And I knew that if you loved me, I could tell you and you'd forgive me. Paul Bowman: I'm not sure I can forgive you. Lucy Ford: 'Cos you don't love me, do you? Paul Bowman: Lucy, I wanted to. It's just... Lucy Ford: It's just Isobel, isn't it? It's always been Isobel. Paul Bowman: I'm really sorry. Lucy Ford: So am I. So, that's us quits then. Paul Bowman-MacDonald: [Paul sees Isobel running past the marquee] She told me she was busy! Chester Grant: She is busy. Playing you like a big old fish. In a kilt! Take it from me, son, that girl's not good for you. Paul Bowman-MacDonald: You know how it is, Chester. If a thing's worth having, it's worth chasing. [Paul sets off to run after Isobel] Molly MacDonald: Oh, Hector, you couldn't slap anyone down. Even if you were holding a large wet haddock in each hand. Katrina: Archie MacDonald, you are maddening! Hector Naismith MacDonald: Man and wife in the same bedroom? It's not natural! Archie MacDonald: Go away, and leave me and my barrel to sleep in peace. Hector Naismith MacDonald: Rotter. Hector Naismith MacDonald: Kilwillie, I was once told that when you were a tubby little tuckedy, you used to cheat at conkers. I didn't believe it. Until now. Lord Angus Errol Sharon Kilwillie: Let's all get as squiffy as 40 billy goats! Hector Naismith MacDonald: Good Lord, by the time I was 30, I had three children. Molly MacDonald: I know, I was there! Hector Naismith MacDonald: [a magazine article headline] Lonely Laird Longs for Lovely Lass. Hector Naismith MacDonald: The house is tainted by a lack of moral responsibility. Hector Naismith MacDonald: At least you understand responsibility. Loyalty. Duty. [the camera moves and we see he is talking to his dogs] Hector Naismith MacDonald: [about his dogs] Honestly. I'd be better off with a team of gerbils. Hector Naismith MacDonald: If you'll excuse me... I'm just going to count the spoons... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Hector Naismith MacDonald 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Clear out or I'll set the dogs on you. And they'd lick you to death. Archie MacDonald: [the guests for the wedding don't like bagpipes] The customer is always right. Golly Mackenzie: The customer is a cloth-eared loon. Archie MacDonald: [about Lexie's mother, Pamela] She envies your... independence, your self-reliance, your self-assurance. And your looks. Lexie: Stop it, Arch! Archie MacDonald: Ok. Lexie: No, go on! Archie MacDonald: I mean it, Lexie, you are everything that she wants to be. I know you had a terrible childhood and I can't begin to imagine it, but you're you, in spite of all your disadvantages. [they hug] Archie MacDonald: Now. No more talk about you leaving Glenbogle, OK? You are wanted here. Lexie: What for? You're a better cook than I am. Archie MacDonald: For your... Lexieness. Lexie: Wanted by whom? Archie MacDonald: By everyone. Lexie: Including you? Archie MacDonald: Especially me. [they kiss] Duncan: How do I look? Lexie: Like a gorilla in a kilt. Duncan: Thank you... Lexie: But a sexy gorilla. Fergal MacClure: Kiwi fruit and off we shoot. Molly MacDonald: So, you've come to spawn at the place of your birth, just like a salmon. How lovely. Hector Naismith MacDonald: Pass Lexie's burnt toast, would you dear? Golly Mackenzie: So you'll be Kilwillie's new ghillie, Billy? Duncan: [to Angus] You are nothing. You're less than nothing. You are minus nothing to the power of [shouts] Duncan: Do you get me? Molly MacDonald: [to Archie] Break a leg, darling. But not really. Duncan: [about the stairs in Glenbogle] It's just a short climb. Oxygen tanks to be picked up at base camp on the second floor. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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