
  • Alan Mann: Stop fucking Bob's wife. He doesn't like it. Steve Everett: I'll have a Virgin Mary... heavy on the Virgin. Steve Everett: When my nose tells me something stinks, I gotta have faith in it. Alan Mann: Look, if he comes to me for your ass, I'm going to have to give it to him. Then you'll just be a hole, with no ass around it. Steve Everett: You're right, pal. Santa Claus rides alone. Steve Everett: Mister Beachum... Frankly I don't give a rat's ass about Jesus Christ and I don't care about justice in this world, or the next. Alan Mann: [to Steve] You wanna know what my opinion is about reporters who have hunches? I CAN'T FART LOUD ENOUGH TO EXPRESS MY OPINION! Steve Everett: [driving to the Governor's mansion, to try and get a last-minute reprieve for a condemned man] We go fast! Kate Everett: I want to see the hippopotamus! Steve Everett: OK, Lets play speed zoo! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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