East Is East (1999)

  • 英国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名East Is East
  • 上映时间2000年07月07日
  • 导       演 Damien O'D...
  • 又       名East Is East
  • 编       剧 Ayub Khan-...
  • 剧       情
    In 1971 Salford fish-and-chip shop owner George Khan expects his family to follow his strict Pakistani Muslim ways. But his children, with a...


  • George Khan: ... when I come this country, I have no luggage. Today what I got? Meenah Khan: You got a chip shop. dad. George Khan: Right. Own bloody business, see. Priest: God bless. George Khan: And our god with you. [In the hospital following Sajid's circumcision] George Khan: Tickle-Tackle all gone? Doctor: [Puzzled] Circumcision was absolutely fine. George Khan: You Indian? Ella Khan: [whispering] George. George Khan: [to Ella] Bastard Indian. Tariq Khan: [Watching Enoch Powell speaking on TV] We should have a whip round and get Dad repatriated. Ella Khan: Do you think I'm a good mother? Auntie Annie: No, I think you're a friggin' awful mother. Ella Khan: They filmed "The Dambusters" here. Meenah Khan: Mam, you say that EVERYTIME we come to Bradford. Ella Khan: Well they bloody did. [Abdul and Tariq approach a local nightclub] Bouncer: All right, Tony, how ya goin' mate? Tariq Khan: All right, Bazza? Bouncer: Yeah, good to see ya. All right, in ya go. Tariq Khan: Nice, mate. Bouncer: [to Abdul] Where do you think you're going, smiler? Tariq Khan: This is our kid, erm... Abdul Khan: Arthur, me name's Arthur. Stella Moorhouse: I'll never let the colour of your Dad come between us. George Khan: I won't have my son looking like bastard hippie. Stella Moorhouse: Let's elope. That's soooo romantic. Mr. Moorhouse: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • See. You let one of 'em in, and the whole fuckin' tribe turns up. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Ella Khan: Sorry about him Mr. Shah. He's just been circumcised. [Annie meets Tariq and Abdul's brides to be] Auntie Annie: [sarcastic] Is it these two. They're bleedin' gorgeous. You're lucky you pair aren't ya. Landin' a couple of belters like these. Auntie Annie: They'll do anything for you Mrs/ Shah. Good Samaritans they are. Just like in the Bible. [Heard by Mrs Shah from outside] Meenah Khan: [Referring to the Shahs' daughters] Have you seen the state of them two. One of 'em's got a moustache like Dad. Ella Khan: Kids eh. Were your two like that Mrs. Shah? Mrs. Shah: [Sternly] No. Mrs. Shah: I believe in strict discipline. Especially in a NON-Pakistani environment. Auntie Annie: Our Peter knows how far he can go before I knock him to Kingdom Come. And that's just my husband Mrs. Shah. Mrs. Shah: I will never allow my daughters to marry into this jungly family of half-breeds. Ella Khan: Well they may be half-bred, but at least they're not friggin' inbred like those two monstrosities. Mr. Shah: [to George] You're wife's a disgrace. Ella Khan: [to Mrs. Shah] Piss of out of my house, and take Laurel and Hardy with you. Priest: God Bless. George Khan: Allah go with you. Sajid Khan: Mum! Mum! The Pakis are here! Mark: Gunga Din! Drinking the white man's brew! Fat Twat: What are you doing here, Abdul? Abdul Khan: It's me stag night. I'm gettin' married. Mark: Who to? Abdul Khan: Dunno. Me dad hasn't bothered introducing us yet. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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