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The Basket

The Basket (1999) 6.3

1999-06-05(美国)| 美国
评分: 力荐

A picturesque Pacific Northwest community raising its wheat and children in the midst of a nation reeling from World War I sets the stage fo...更多>



Brigitta: Everything I loved was taken away from me right before my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about it. [Ben forces Brigitta to look at his leg, amputated due to WWII injuries] Ben Emery: Look at it. Look at it! Germans like you did this to me. Brigitta: No, soldiers like you did that. [Tom tries to justify his going to war after his brother Ben dies of battle injuries] Tom Emery: Ben told me all about the war. Brigitta: And where is Ben now? [last lines] [quoted from a German opera retold during the story] Martin Conlon: Together we shall fly.

The Basket

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