
  • Charlotte Pingress: Did people ever really dance in bars? I thought that was a myth. Charlotte Pingress: In physical terms, I'm cuter than you, but you're much nicer than I am. Josh Neff: A lot of people won't take no for an answer. I wanted you to know that I'm not one of them. I can be discouraged. Des McGrath: Do you think the neurological effects of caffeine are similar to that of cocaine? Des McGrath: Our bodies are not really designed for group social life. We're really designed for pairing off. Tom Platt: The environmental movement of our times was sparked by the rerelease of Bambi in the 1950s. Alice Kinnon: There's something really sexy about Scrooge McDuck. Ted Boynton: Barcelona is beautiful but in human terms, pretty cold. Des McGrath: I have a gay mouth? Jimmy: Women prefer bad over weak, indecisive and... unemployed? Des McGrath: [to Josh] Are you taking your medication? Des McGrath: I'm not an addict. I'm a habitual user. Jimmy: [to Alice] There isn't a chance of you getting infatuated with me again is there? [Josh describes Lady and the Tramp] Josh Neff: There is something depressing about it and it's not really about dogs. Except for some superficial bow-wow stuff at the start, the dogs all represent human types which is where it gets into real trouble. Lady, the ostensible protagonist, is a fluffy blond cocker spaniel with absolutely nothing on the brain. She's great looking but, let's be honest, incredibly insipid. Tramp, the love interest is a smarmy braggart of the most obnoxious kind, an oily jail bird out for a piece of tail or whatever he can get. Josh Neff: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • No, he's a self confessed chicken thief; an all around sleaze ball. What's the function of a film of this kind? Essentially it's a primer about love and marriage directed at very young people, imprinting on their little psyches that smooth talking delinquents recently escaped from the local pound are a good match for nice girls in sheltered homes. When in ten years the icky human version of Tramp shows up around the house their hormones will be racing and no one will understand why. Films like this program women to adore jerks. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Des McGrath: Yuppie stands for "young upwardly mobile professional". Nightclub flunkie is not a professional category. I wish we were yuppies. Young, upwardly mobile, professional. Those are *good* things, not bad things. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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