恶夜谋杀 (1999)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 惊悚
  • 片       名恶夜谋杀
  • 上映时间1999年07月09日
  • 导       演 Adam Colem...
  • 剧       情
    一对来自波士顿而且富有的大妇,正前往他们在缅因因州海岸一个小岛上的别墅。   下着滂沱大雨的夜晚,他们急着赶搭最后一班渡轮,前往他们的别墅。半路上,他们发现一位满身血迹的年轻人,这年轻人央求他们不要报警。且搭上渡轮也来不及了,温不格夫妇只好伴随着年轻人住在汽车...


  • Young Man: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • It's funny. Your worst nightmare always seems so far away. Then, all of a sudden, there it is, like a monstrous tidal wave. You try to escape, but you can't. You struggle and you struggle and you struggle, your desperate cries unheard. Then, something strange happens, you stop struggling. Your cries take flight. You forget you're drowning. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • David Weinberg: Wild Dave is taken you for a ride. Young Man: I like your face. David Weinberg: What? Young Man: I like your watch. David Weinberg: What are you doing? Alexis Chandler Weinberg: Going to sleep. David Weinberg: With your coat on? Alexis Chandler Weinberg: Mm-hmm. Good night. David Weinberg: Okay, good night. Alexis: Did you remember to bring a camera? David: I don't know. Did I? Alexis: I don't think so. David: You're right, I didn't. David: It's just a mushroom. Alexis: Poor Marco. David: Poor bimbo. David: Seven years in a COFFIN with YOU! Alexis: Coffin? David: Coffin. Alexis: Are you sure you want to say that? David: I was sure the day I married you. Alexis: Do you think we'll make it? David: I certainly hope so. [Alexis is kissing him] David: Three shots and you turn into Mae West. Alexis Chandler Weinberg: Well excuse me, Captian Compass, I'm not the one who veered off course. Alexis Chandler Weinberg: Behave. Young Man: I am behaving. Young Man: Where is he? Alexis Chandler Weinberg: Gone. Young Man: Did you call the police? Alexis Chandler Weinberg: No. No cops. Alexis Chandler Weinberg: Oh don't be such a snob. I think it's sweet. David Weinberg: Yeah, so are circus dwarves. David Weinberg: I have retinal damage, isn't that hilarious? Alexis Chandler Weinberg: Who do you think you are? Young Man: You know who I am. [she smacks him] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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