Girl (1999)

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  • 爱情


  • Todd: [sitting down at the piano] :... I wanna play something for you. It's not finished yet, but... I don't know, I just kinda want you to... Andrea: [thinking] ... get naked? Todd: ...hear it anyway. [Todd starts singing 4 lines of a sad song] Andrea: [thinking] He sang with passion, he sang with pain... [Todd finished singing] Andrea: [thinking] ... he sang for about 20 seconds! Andrea: [thinking] I was such a bitch! I can't believe I did that... to my friend! I felt so guilty, I felt so bad!... I felt like trying to find Todd! [walking away from school] Andrea: [thinking] Ok, so what if it was a one-night stand! Couldn't we still be friends? And if we were friends... couldn't we maybe have sex again? Andrea Marr: [writing a letter] Dear Mr. Sparrow. Thank you for having sex with me. Todd: [singing] And I will release you from all of your torment, stir up trouble that you can't ignore, and I'll tell the world, I'll tell them a story, tell a story to the world, about a girl... Andrea Marr: [thinking] Say something! Say something! [out loud] Andrea Marr: Say something! Cybil: You better watch it, you're becoming a groupie... Darcy: Oh my god. I think these are street people. I saw a whole Sally Jessie on them. Derek: Oh, dude. That is no street person. Johnathan: That's the guy from the Color Green. Darcy: The color what?... What color? Johnathan: Green. Rebecca Fernhurst: [Stares at Andrea silently] You had sex didn't you? Well talk to me you big slut, how was it? Andrea Marr: Disappointing. I wish I'd saved it. Rebecca Fernhurst: Oh, no way. You gotta get that first one over with. That way when it really counts, you're not sitting there the whole time going, "I'm not a virgin anymore, I'm not a virgin anymore." Think of it as a warm-up. Andrea: [voice over] Hi, I'm not a virgin anymore. [out loud] Andrea: Goodnight. Dad: Goodnight, dear. Andrea: What I didn't understand was why was this boy a part of me? What did he have that I wanted? What did he have that I needed? and Why was I incomplete without him? Todd: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • If it was in your soul to do it, then fate would just take you there. And everything else was just a test to see if you were the real thing. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Todd: [pause] Are you the real thing, Andrea? Andrea: Yes... I am. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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