Grace & Glorie (1998)

  • 美国
  • 片       名Grace & Glo...
  • 上映时间1998年12月13日
  • 导       演 Arthur All...
  • 剧       情
    When a lonely ex-New Yorker moves into the home of a rural senior to act as a hospice worker, the two initially couldn't seem to be less ali...


  • [About urinating] Gloria: I probably shouldn't even say this, but if I had the opportunity to do it in my mother-in-law's soup tureen, I would! Grace: That's a very nice suggestion, but you got to realize, I'm gonna meet Gabriella Stiles very soon and can you imagine spending all eternity with her following me around gabbing about a soup tureen? Gloria: How does this thing work? Grace: It's got a handle and a spout, how do you think it works? Gloria: Well humor me Mrs Stiles, I'm not a morning person! Gloria: Shit! I'm sorry Mrs Stiles, but sometimes 'Good Gravy' just doesn't cut it! Grace: She's my youngest older brother's middle son's first daughter's third child. By her second marriage Gloria: Well, who can compete with THAT?! Gloria: Mrs Stiles, I don't believe in the devil Grace: You think he cares about that? Gloria: Mrs Stiles, my name isn't Glorie, it's Gloria Grace: And my name isn't Mrs Stiles, it's Grace Grace: You don't eat chicken? Gloria: Not ones that I've made eye contact with. Grace: I know what I'll give you. You can have Gabriella's soup turine. How's that? Gloria: I would be honored Grace: Really? I'm glad. This way you'll remember for the rest of your life what an old peepot I was! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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