"Vanity Fair" (1999)

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  • 爱情
"Vanity Fair"
  • 片       名"Vanity Fa...
  • 上映时间1998年11月01日(英国)
  • 导       演 Marc Munde...


  • advertisement Becky Sharp: Revenge may be wicked. But it's natural. Rawdon Crawley: You don't mind the smell of my cigar, I hope? Becky Sharp: No, I love it. I wonder if I might... Rawdon Crawley: Yes? Becky Sharp: You... wouldn't tell? Rawdon Crawley: What, me? No! Never, damn it! ...Ah, what? Becky Sharp: I'm afraid I will have to charge you rather a lot. My horses are all I own in the world, you know. Joss Sedley: Money is no object to me, ma'am. Becky Sharp: That's good. Six hundred pounds. [Jos is taken aback, but promptly reaches for his pocketbook.] Becky Sharp: Each. Becky Sharp: I am innocent. Before God, Rawdon, I AM innocent! Tell him I'm innocent! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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