"Talking Heads 2" (1998)

  • 英国
"Talking Heads 2"
  • 又       名"Talking Heads 2"
  • 编       剧 Alan Benne...


  • advertisement Violet: I saw this fella's what-do-you call it today. Except I'm not suppesed to say 'what-do-you-call-it'. Verity says, 'Violet. What-do-you-call-it is banned. When we cannot find the word we want to *describe*, we do not say 'what-do-you-call-it'. Well, you wont catch me describing that. Besides, 'what-do-you-call-it' *is* what I call it. Somebody's what-do-you-call-it. Anyway I saw it. Violet: What's her name came round today...her that helps me with talking [she thinks] Violet: name of a cricket bat, else a gas oven...Verity. She's a nice looking lass but makes nowt of herself, a big jumper thing...I said, I bet you've got a right nice...' She goes, 'Describe, Violet, describe...' I said, 'A right nice...them two things with pink ends that men like...Bust'. By, she did look narked! She said, 'Things are different now, Violet. Women have control of their own bodies.' I said, 'Is that why I can't get them to take me to the toilet?' 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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