再生侠2:身陷险境 (1997)

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  • advertisement Jason Wynn: Who are you? Spawn: Don't you remember me? You had me burned alive. Jason Wynn: What? Simmons? Simmons, he's dead. Spawn: No shit. Spawn: What are you? Clown: [after transforming into the Violator] So begins... your training. Clown: A creature far superior to humans. A true native of Hell. Something no Spawn will ever be. Spawn: What kind of Heaven uses bounty hunters? Cogliostro: Who did you think they would send, a carpenter wearing sandals? Billy Kincaid: I want my ice cream. Clown: Sorry asshole, we're all outta ice cream. Clown: So what's next, Spawn? Spawn: Spawn? Clown: Yeah, as in hellspawn. Clown: If ever there was a fucking motive everyone understands, it's "He took my woman." Tony Twist: Bring me his bones in one bag and his organs in another. Spawn: What kind of Heaven sends a creature like you? Lilly: The rules have changed, Hellspawn. Heaven wants to win. Spawn: As far as I know, I'm already dead. Which means, I'll be waiting for your ass in the afterlife. Cogliostro: Four hundred years have passed. Once again, it is time for a new warrior to emerge from the darkness. Throughout time, the battlefields have changed, but the prize has always remained the same: the human soul. Sam Burke: I hate early morning. Nothing human up at this hour. Twitch Williams: No, sir. Just us civil servants. Sam Burke: And dead mob scumbags. Twitch Williams: Nicely put, sir. Chapel: Who the fuck are you? Spawn: Your worst fucking nightmare... Cogliostro: Where do the dead belong... in the world of the living? For this newest spawn, moments of peace never come. His memories are fragments of the life he once had. For a hellspawn, memories replay his soul's own personal hell... Spawn: Stay out of my dreams! Clown: Your dreams? Malebolgia owns you. You are his bitch! Spawn: I want my humanity back. Clown: [Spawn has threatened and beat the crap out of some cops who were messing with the homeless people of the alleys] That's it, Spawn, let yourself go. Get pissed. Do some damage. Don't take shit from nobody. And, oh yeah, the big boy downstairs. 'Cause this is how the world ends. Not with a bang but with a lot of blood and torn flesh and broken bones. And I just love it. [laughs] Cogliostro: [narrating] And so the game has begun again. After 400 years, a new warrior takes center stage, preparing for the great battle... and with him comes pain, death and the vile stench of brimstone. Clown: You should be down on your knees thanking Malebogia for the privilege of being a ranking officer in this hell's army! Spawn: *You* should be down on *your* knees thanking *me* for not killing you where you stand. Spawn: You're about two seconds away from wearing that smile around your ass! Clown: Yeah, yeah. Kiss me first. Tony Twist: What the fuck is this? Jason Wynn: No-one can know I'm here. Tony Twist: You don't just bust in and fuck with me! Jason Wynn: Shut up, Tony. What do you know about the creature on that video you sent me? Tony Twist: Nothing. Except that he's one lethal sonofabitch! Anyone who can whack-out Overtkill. Jason Wynn: I need it found. But I can't do it directly. Tony Twist: Hey, forget it! That bastard told me to stay outta his way; and believe you me that's exactly what I'm gonna do! Jason Wynn: This isn't a request. You find him then you contact me. Clown: [Spawn is trying to stop Billy Kincaid from killing Cyan] It's not even his kid! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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