
  • Father: No, your grace, I did not know they were topless dancers. Well, they certainly helped raise a lot of money for the church. Benny Que: We're supposed to be normal people living normal lives. Working nine to five, going to church on Sundays: normal. Maiming, murdering, crippling park animals: abnormal. Cappy Capulet: You puny crap! You fucks! How'd you like it I use your guts to Jackson Pollack the street? Detective Ernie Scalus: Now you fucks have gone too far! Goddamn heads landing on cars while Long Island families are singing 'Found a Peanut'! They found a peanut, all right, honey. They found a peanut of death! Lemmy: Two households, different as dried plums and pears In fair Manhattan, where we lay our scene. [Tyrone wants a word with Murray] Murray Martini: A word with me? How about a word for me? Or better yet, how about a word for you? Let's see, a word for Tyrone Capulet. Boofball. Dickbag. Peon. Freak. Cocksucker. Shithead, ratcatcher, geek. Loser, anus, fruitcake, lunk, fiddlefucker, dweeb, feeb. Cunt. Assfuck; ah, that one's close to the mark. How 'bout guinea, schmuck, or pussyfart? Tromeo Que: What light from yonder Plexiglas breaks? Tyrone Capulet: Get your goddamn tongue out of my goddamn cousin's mouth! Juliet Capulet: Parting is such sweet sorrow. Tromeo Que: Yeah, it totally sucks. [while faking an orgasm] 1-900-HOT-HUNK: Yippie-yahoo! Sing it to the world! Tromeo is cumming! Tyrone Capulet: [after being decapitated by the tow-truck] CRY HAVOC! Tyrone Capulet: [fighting Tromeo on the street] Get ready to die, Mother Fucker! GET READY TO DIE! Tromeo Que: It happens to us... sooner or... LADDER! [Tromeo pushes Tyrone into a car with a ladder sticking out the side] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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